Dua When sacrificing an animal

Dua When Sacrificing An Animal In Arabic

بِسْمِ اللهِ واللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُمَّ مِنْكَ ولَكَ اللَّهُمَّ تَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي


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Dua When Sacrificing An Animal In English Transcription

Bismillaahi wallaahu ‘Akbar [Allaahumma minka wa laka] Allaahumma taqabbal minnee

Dua When Sacrificing An Animal In English

With the Name of Allah, Allah is the Most Great! [O Allah, from You and to You.] O Allah, accept it from me.
Muslim 3:1557

Explain this supplication

Qurbani (Udhiya) Spirit / Virtue / Dua’aQurbani (Udhiya) Spirit / Virtue / Dua’a

The spirit of Qurbani (Udhiya)
Virtue of Qurbani (Udhiya)
Who is Qurbani (Udhiya) Wajib (Mandatory)?
The physical Qurbani (Udhiya)
Qurbani time (Udhiya)
The Qurbani Directory (Udhiya)
Animals with defects
Miscellaneous Masaail
Method of slaughtering an animal
Dua’a (before, during and after slaughter)
The meat of the sacrificed animal
The skin of Qurbani (Udhiya) Aniaml
Warning for those who do not know Qurbani (Udhiya)
Qurbani (Udhiya) in the name of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) or any dead Muslim
The Takbeeraat of Tashreeq

. The spirit of Qurbani (Udhiya)

“It is neither their flesh nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is your Taqwa that reaches it …” (Surah Hajj)

Hazrat Ebrahim Alayhi Salaam had two alternatives: either follow the cry of his heart, or submit to the call of his Creator. He chose to submit. Qurbani is not, therefore, a monetary Ibadah nor a duty that is paid in the distant poor countries. Qurbani is a personal experience, an intimate and emotional encounter, an intimate event made real by the oozing of blood.

Qurbani is about:

Love for Allah as opposed to the love of self-obedience to rebellion.
Loyalty to Allah is preferable to loyalty to the family.
Faith against emotion.
Fight versus pleasure

Where is this spirit of Qurbani in our nights and days without doing anything? Who is able to put the knife on his heart to slaughter the beasts of rebellion, hatred, jealousy, pride and greed, etc.? Qurbani is an annual reaffirmation of our commitment to Allah, a commitment that:
“Truly, my prayer, my sacrifices, my life and my death are delivered to Allah. the rabb of the worlds. “

Eid-ul-Adha resonates with cries of surrender, submission, and sacrifice. It is a sinister reminder that life is about action, struggle and endurance.
Virtue of Qurbani

Qurbani is a practice directly taught by Allah Ta’ala: “Turn to the Lord and sacrifice (animals).” (108.2)

Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam has also extolled his virtues in many hadiths. During the days of Qurbani, nothing is more dear to Allah Ta’ala than to sacrifice animals. The sacrificed animal must come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

Zayd Ibn Arqam radiyallaahu anhu relates that the radiyallaahu Anhum companions questioned: “O Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, what Qurbani? we derive from it? He replied: “A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal). “” And (what reward is there for animals with) wool, O ‘Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam? “A reward,” he says
“For every fiber of the wool. (Ibn Majah)

When a person kills an animal Qurbani, it is forgiven when the first drop of blood falls and, in truth, the animal is advanced on the day of Judgment with its blood, meat, limbs, etc. weight seventy times, then placed on the scales of the acts. (Kanzul Ummal)
Who is Qurbani Wajib (mandatory)?

Qurbani is Wajib (obligatory) on every Muslim who is

healthy mind – mature (has reached the age of puberty),
Muqeem (that is, he is not a chari traveler)
Possess the sum of 612, 36 grams of money or wealth equivalent to this value, which exceeds the basic needs and debts during the three days of Qurbani. This amount need not be in possession of a complete lunar year. (Fatawa Hindiyyah)

Hazrat Ebrahim Alayhi Salaam had two alternatives: either follow the cry of his heart, or submit to the call of his Creator. He chose to submit. Qurbani is not, therefore, a monetary Ibadah nor a duty that is paid in the distant poor countries. Qurbani is a personal experience, an intimate and emotional encounter, an intimate event made real by the oozing of blood.

Qurbani is about:

Love for Allah as opposed to the love of self-obedience to rebellion.
Loyalty to Allah is preferable to loyalty to the family.
Faith against emotion.
Fight versus pleasure

Where is this spirit of Qurbani in our nights and days without doing anything? Who is able to put the knife on his heart to slaughter the beasts of rebellion, hatred, jealousy, pride and greed, etc.? Qurbani is an annual reaffirmation of our commitment to Allah, a commitment that:
“Truly, my prayer, my sacrifices, my life and my death are delivered to Allah. the rabb of the worlds. “

Eid-ul-Adha resonates with cries of surrender, submission, and sacrifice. It is a sinister reminder that life is about action, struggle and endurance.
Virtue of Qurbani

Qurbani is a practice directly taught by Allah Ta’ala: “Turn to the Lord and sacrifice (animals).” (108.2)

Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam has also extolled his virtues in many hadiths. During the days of Qurbani, nothing is more dear to Allah Ta’ala than to sacrifice animals. The sacrificed animal must come on the Day of Judgment with its horns, hair and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

Zayd Ibn Arqam radiyallaahu anhu relates that the radiyallaahu Anhum companions questioned: “O Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, what Qurbani? we derive from it? He replied: “A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal). “” And (what reward is there for animals with) wool, O ‘Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam? “A reward,” he says
“For every fiber of the wool. (Ibn Majah)

When a person kills an animal Qurbani, it is forgiven when the first drop of blood falls and, in truth, the animal is advanced on the day of Judgment with its blood, meat, limbs, etc. weight seventy times, then placed on the scales of the acts. (Kanzul Ummal)
Who is Qurbani Wajib (mandatory)?

Qurbani is Wajib (obligatory) on every Muslim who is

healthy mind – mature (has reached the age of puberty),
Muqeem (that is, he is not a chari traveler)
Possess the sum of 612, 36 grams of money or wealth equivalent to this value, which exceeds the basic needs and debts during the three days of Qurbani. This amount need not be in possession of a complete lunar year. (Fatawa Hindiyyah)


Qurbani does not rest with a child or a madman, whether or not he possesses wealth equal to the amount above, and Wajib does not rest with his guardians to perform it on their behalf. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah)
Likewise, it is not Wajib on a musafir (considered as a traveler in sharia). It is a traveler of Shar’i who undertakes a journey with the intention of traveling 77 km. He will be treated as a traveler as soon as he leaves his city. However, if he intends to reside anywhere for 15 days or more, he will cease to be a traveler. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
A person for whom Qurbani is not needed should not incur debt beyond his ability to offer Qurbani.
If Qurbani is not mandatory for a person, for example a musaafir, then it is virtuous to do so if this is within the reach of the person.

The physical Qurbani

During the days of Qurbani, Sadaqah and charity will not make up for Qurbani’s physical observance. Just as Zakah can not compensate for Hajj, nor fasting to compensate Salaah, so charity can not compensate for Qurbani. However, if the time of Qurbani is over and the Qurbani has not been offered due to ignorance, negligence or any other valid reason, then it becomes for Wajib to give Sadaqah the price of the animal Qurbani or the animal not slaughtered to the poor. (Fataawa Shaamiyya)
Time for Qurbani

The time for Qurbani begins after Eid Salaah on the 10th of Zul Hijjah and ends at sunset on the 12th of Zul Hijjah. It is better to do Qurbani on the first day then the second, then the third. (Fataawa Shaamiyya)

In rural areas and villages where Jumu’ah and Eid Salaah are not practiced, Qurbani can be executed as soon as Fajr (Subhus Saadiq) settles on the 10th of Zul Hijjah. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)

If a person residing in a city (where Eid Salaah is practiced) organizes the slaughter of his animal in a village (where Eid Salaah is not practiced), his animal may be slaughtered before he can ‘executed. (Fataawa Shaamiyyah)

If the Qurbani was offered before the Eid Salaah, it will have to be repeated. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)

It is best to slaughter during the day. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
The animal Qurbani

It is allowed to slaughter a goat, a sheep, a cow, a bull, a buffalo or a camel, male or female, for Qurbani.
The minimum age of:
(a) a goat, a sheep or a ram has a full year,
(b) a cow, a bull or a bison is two years old and
(c) A camel five years old.

Animals younger than the prescribed age are not suitable for Qurbani. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
If a sheep is more than six months old but less than a year old and seems physically one year old, that will be enough for Qurbani. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
A cow, a bull, a buffalo or a camel will suffice for seven people provided that each one’s share is not less than one seventh and that the niyyah (intention) of all partners is to obtain a reward and not just meat. (Fatawa Shaamiyyah)
A goat, a sheep or a ram will suffice for the Qurbani of one person. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
It is allowed and preferable to slaughter a castrated animal. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah)
It is advisable to buy the Qurbani animal a few days before slaughter to create a form of attachment to the animal by taking care of it. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
Animals selected for Qurbani must be healthy, free of defects and defects. (Fataawa Shaamiyah)

. Animals with defects

The following animals are not suitable for Qurbani:

A blind animal, one-eyed or having lost more than a third of his sight. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
Animals that has more than lost a third of the ear. Similarly, animals that have no ears of birth. Animals with small ears are suitable. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
Animals whose horn / s was separated from the root. However, an animal born without horns or if the horns are broken but not at the root is suitable for Qurbani. (Fataawa Shaamiyyah)
Animals that have a leg that limped to the point of walking on three legs and to prevent using the fourth leg. However, if the animal can walk to the place of slaughter on the fourth limping leg, this will be allowed. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)
The animals are so thin and lean that their bones do not have marrow. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)
If an animal is injured during slaughter, for example breaks the leg, the ear cuts off, etc., the Qurbani will be valid. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)
If an animal was bought in a healthy and perfect state and then became unsuitable for Qurbani,
a. If the owner is not rich (owner of nisaab), it will be allowed to offer this animal to Qurbani.
b. If the owner is rich (owns the Nisaab), then he is forced to obtain another animal. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)

Miscellaneous Masaail

If there are different sites for Eid Salaah, slaughter is allowed after the end of one of the sites with Eid Salaah. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)
A man can buy from his fortune the animal of his wife with his consent. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
It is mustahab (preferable) for a person intending Qurbani not to cut the hair and nails of the first day of Zul Hijjah until the slaughter of his animal. (Ahsanul Fataawa)
Qurbani will be unloaded if a proxy is named for this task and the proxy completes the task. The proxy may be an organization or an individual. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
If an animal purchased for Qurbani gives birth before slaughter, it is best to give the newborn alive to charity. Otherwise, the newborn animal should be slaughtered and the meat donated to charity. (Fataawa Shamiyyah)
If the slaughtered animal has a live baby, the living baby will belong to the same category as its mother (that is, it will be treated as a Qurbani animal in terms of meat, skin, etc.) ( Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah)
If a traveler returned home or if a person acquired the required wealth on Zul Hijjah’s 12th before sunset, it would be Wajib who would invite him to execute Qurbani. (Fataawa Hindiyyah)
The Qurbani (massacre) of a woman in haidh or nifaas is valid and admissible. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah V 14 P353)

Method of slaughtering an animal

A Muslim must take all the necessary precautions to slaughter an animal without subjecting it to unnecessary pain and torture. It was the instruction of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The following are relevant points to keep in mind.

The knife to be used for slaughtering must be well sharpened to immediately cut the throat, without causing excessive pain to the animal.
The knife must not be sharpened in front of the animals.
The animal to be slaughtered must receive food and water; he should not be shot when he is hungry and thirsty
You must not drag him brutally to the place of the massacre.
The animal must be slaughtered in an isolated place so that the other animals can not attend the slaughter.
It should be placed on the floor with ease, because it is abominable to use excessive force.
Only three of his legs must be tied together.
As soon as the animal has been placed on the ground, it must be rushed to fell. Any excessive delay must be avoided.
The animal must not be slaughtered with such force that its head is sliced ​​or the knife reaches the spinal cord.
It is incorrect to slaughter the animal above the neck because it causes too much pain and agony.
The animal must be left in such a way as to freely throw its body in the process of bleeding.
After slaughter, the head should not be cut and the animal should not be skinned until its body is completely cold.
During the massacre, a Muslim should say, “Bismillaahi Allaho Akbar” (In the name of Allah, who is the possessor of all greatness).
It is more virtuous to slaughter the animal with his own hands. If one is unable to massacre, it is advisable to attend the sacrifice. It is not necessary to do Qurbani’s niyyah (intention) verbally, however it is necessary to say Bismillahi Allahu Akbar during the slaughter.
The animal Qurbani must be placed on the left side, facing the Qiblah, and the next dua must be recited before slaughtering it:

For me, I put my face firmly and the truth toward who created the heavens ends the earth. I will not give partners to Allah. Truly my servant and my sacrifice. My living and my death are for God. Lord of the Worlds. Oh God, this sacrifice from you and for you. “When an animal is slaughtered it reads:

Bismillah. Allahu Akbar.

Oh God accept these sacrifices from me as accepted by Muhammad Habib and your friend Hazrat Ibrahim. Hello.

. Sacrificial animal meat

Animal meat containing more than one arrow should be distributed by weight and not by the estimation of the head, feet and skin that are part of the distributed rations. (Fataawa al-Shamiya)
Prefer to divide the meat into three parts. One part for one family, another part should be distributed among friends and relatives and the third among the poor and needy. If someone has a very large family, they may keep all the meat. (Fataawa al-Shamiya)
It is illegal to sell sacrificial meat. (Indian fatwas)
Do not tender the skin or meat as a payment for the altar (or tail). Their fees must be paid separately. (Fataawa al-Shamiya)
Meat, fat, etc. of the animal sacrificed to the butcher shall not be given as compensation for the services rendered. (Fataawa al-Shamiya)
The voluntary flesh (Navi) of Eucharist, which he made for the deceased person, may be eaten by everyone, just like the Eucharist.
Sacrificial meat can be consumed by itself and can be served to others, for example, in a feast.
Cooked or uncooked sacrificial meat can be given.
No one may eat the following sacrificial meat:
1. Sacrifice is made as a penance for felonies (wrong / wrong) committed during the Hajj / Umrah.
2. Make the sacrifice of a deceased person in his will, ie his instructions before his death. The above-mentioned sacrificial meat should be distributed only to the poor and needy.

Sacrificial animal skin

The skin may be used for personal use, for example. He may use it as a chapel, a leather bucket, etc. However, if it is sold, its income may not be used. It is my duty to give out in charity. The skin may not be sold unintentionally disbursed funds in charity. (Indian fatwas)
Do not give the skin in place of any services provided. (Indian fatwas).

The needy students and the poor in Islamic institutions are the most beneficiaries of these skins. This entails rewarding charity that is associated with the service of the revival of science (religious knowledge). However, such skins may not be given to teachers and institute workers as wages or salaries.
Warning to anyone who ignores the sacrifice

Hazrat Abu Huraira Radiyallaahu anhu states that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever has the means to perform the Eucharistic but does not do so should not approach our Eid (place of Eid prayer).’

. Qurbani on behalf of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) or any deceased Muslim

If God has favored one with wealth, then Qurbani must perform on behalf of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). One can also include companions, the entire nation, the prophets and all those living or deceased, relatives, friends and teachers who have passed on Deeni’s knowledge or have been the cause of one’s interest.

Hazrat Ali (radiyallahu anhu) stated, “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded me to perform a sacrifice on his behalf, so I will continue to prepare a sacrifice (on behalf of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him).

Abu Talha Radiyallaahu anhu narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sacrificed one ram while sacrificing the other said: “This is on behalf of all of our nation that believed in me and witnessed (for the tubular)” (Tabrani)

It is the duty of every adult Muslim to recite Takbeeraat of Tashreeq after each Fardh Salaat performed with a congregation or individually from the dawn of 9th of Dhul Hijjah to the 13th Era of Dhul Hijjah. Takbir should be recited only once. The words are as follows:

. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah illallahu Wallahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar and Allah Praise.

Translation: “God is great, God is great. There is no god besides God and God is great. God is great and all praise be to God alone.”

NB. Men should read this Takbeer out loud while the females must do it silently.

God gives us the ability to practice. Trustworthy.

Source: www.jamiat.org.za
Tags: Arafah, Dhikr, Dhul-Hijjah, supplication before waving, supplication for slaughter, supplication (before, during and after slaughter), Hajj, Islamic calendar, animal slaughter method, sacrificial, sacrifice, submission, surrender, magnification x tasbih, takbeer tashreeq, time Sacrificial (lights), sacrifice, virtue of the sacrificial (lights), the carcass


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