Learning Arabic for beginners

Learning Arabic for beginners

Learning Arabic for beginners: Suppose you are a beginner in studying the Arabic language or are interested in starting to learn it or collecting information and knowledge about the Arabic language. In that case, we will help you in this article to know all the details about it and the best places that can provide you with the best scientific subject and at the lowest possible prices, and we will tell you some other important details.


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Learning Arabic for beginners

Learning Arabic for beginners will be one of your best decisions if you start studying Arabic with the Quran courses, as we provide the best scientific material for you as a beginner at the lowest possible prices. In the most straightforward ways, that will increase your passion for the language and make you develop quickly at the hands of the best teachers and in the latest methods and with the presence of the means. We are trustworthy. Every step we take in teaching the language to you is well planned.

Information about the Arabic language that you must know before starting to study it

Learning Arabic for beginners. The Arabic alphabet is the alphabet that uses Arabic letters in writing, and the Arabic language consists of 28 letters. It is described as the complete writing system ever found.

Arabic has been the most used alphabet for centuries and is currently the second most used writing system after the Latin alphabet. Many languages depend on the Arabic alphabet for writing, such as Kurdish language, Sindhi language, Ottoman language, Arabic language Malay, and Persian.

What do you need before learning Arabic for beginners?

Learning Arabic for beginners
Learning Arabic for beginners

To start studying any language, you must know its origin and all the information and details about it, and we will show you how it originated and some details.

The emergence of the Arabic alphabet and most studies show that these Arabic letters are the result of the development of the letters of the Aramaic language, as the Semitic alphabet moved from the southern regions to the region of the Arabian Peninsula through the Nabataean language, which was spread at the time in the countries of the Levant.

These letters were, in The beginning, not dotted until the Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, laid down general rules for writing and pronunciation through movements and points that facilitated the articulation process and report.

Who arranged the Arabic alphabet?

The alphabet of the Arabic language was arranged by Nasr bin Asim Al-Laithi, which is the most used arrangement until the present time, whether it is in the lexicon or index, or sayings, phonebooks, or research references. The letters are arranged as follows: (A, b, t, w, c, h, x, d, y, t, g, x, u, y, z, i, z, n, g, f, s, k, l, m, n, e, and, j.) But there is a different spelling arrangement; linguists have made other

Arrangements for the letters

Alphabetical order: in which the letters are arranged according to the origins of the letters, which are divided into twenty-two Semitic letters, namely:

(A, B, C, D, H, W, Z, H, I, Y, K, L, M  , N, S, P, F, R, S, R, SH, T), and they added six Arabic letters to it called the ramifications, which are: (th, kh, y, z, z, g).

The phonetic arrangement: they relied in this arrangement on the exits of the letters so that the beginning is from the throat, and the one who arranged this arrangement is Al-Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi, which is the least known, used, and famous collection and the letters are as follows:

(A, H, H, H, K  , g, s, k, c, u, z, y, x, g, i, t, d, z, y, w, t, l, n, f, b, m, f, j, a).

Reasons why you start to study Arabic

Learning any language increases your maturity and awareness of life in general. Especially if you choose a language of importance, such as Arabic, many reasons will push you to learn it and make you passionate about it.

  • Studying any of the languages allows you to delve deeper and engage in the culture and traditions of the countries it belongs to or in which you speak, so mastering the Arabic language is a door to getting to know the cultures and civilizations of many countries of the most beautiful countries in the world. You can also take tourist tours there quickly and without a tour guide if you have learned the language basics.
  • Studying the Arabic language gives you one of the most important advantages: it makes it easier for you to understand and study many other languages because the Arabic language is linked to many languages worldwide. Hence, its knowledge gives you the flexibility to access many languages in a short time to learn them faster and simpler such as Persian, Turkish, Urdu, and others, as the dictionaries of these languages are similar to the lexicon of the Arabic language or from the same root as the Arabic words.
  • And if you are an Arab and not a foreigner, then starting to study Arabic will be one of the best and easiest steps. It will help you learn many things, and you will have opportunities that you have not had before, such as job and study opportunities. Your study of them with all its rules and their distinguished scientific approach increases the Your awareness and awareness of life in general. And if you are an Arab and not a foreigner, then starting to study the Arabic language will be one of the best and easiest steps. It will help you learn many things, and you will have opportunities that you have not had before, such as job and study opportunities. Your study of them with all its rules and their distinguished scientific approach increases the Your awareness and awareness of life in general.

Read More: Learn Arabic online

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