Dua During a windstorm

Dua During A Windstorm In Arabic

اللّهُـمَّ إِنَّـي أَسْـأَلُـكَ خَيْـرَها، وَأَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَـرِّها


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Dua During A Windstorm In English Transcription

Allaahumma ‘innee ‘as’aluka khayrahaa, wa ‘a’oothu bika min sharrihaa

Dua During A Windstorm In English

O Allah , I ask You for the good of it and seek refuge in You against its evil.
Abu Dawud: 5084, Ibn Majah: 2252

8 Reasons Why God Authorizes Storms :

We all experience storms in our lives – those occasions that bring pain, suffering or loss. It is in a period of turbulence that all kinds of questions arise: where is God? Why did this happen? Was it something that I did? Did God cause it? If yes, why? The only safe place to find answers in these tumultuous times is the Word of God. Let’s see what he says about why God allows storms in our lives:

1- To attract our attention. The Lord speaks softly to us in our hearts, but if we do not pay attention, He will increase the volume by sending a storm into our lives. For love, he blames us for protecting us from destroying ourselves or others with our disobedience.

2- To bring us to repentance. God used a literal storm to entice Jonah to repentance (Jonah 1: 1-17). Although the Lord told her to go to Nineveh to “mourn against her for her wickedness,” Jonah went on board a ship “to flee from Tarsis from the presence of the Lord” (v. 2-3). But no one can avoid God, since he is present everywhere.

While Jonah slept in the hold of the ship, the Lord “cast a great wind on the sea” (verse 4). All the sailors appealed to their gods hoping that one of them would intervene. When they decided to draw lots to know which of them was causing the storm, the spell fell on Jonah.

He had foolishly tried to flee God by leaving the land and going to sea, which had been created and controlled by him. In order to save the ship, Jonah told them to throw it into the sea. When they did, the storm raged stopped.

Although Jonah tried to escape the Lord, God never left him. Even in the sea, he saved Jonah by sending a large fish to swallow him. Finally, he was vomited on dry land and went to Nineveh to preach as the Lord had commanded. Yet even then, he regretted the fact that the people repented and were no longer judged for their evil ways.

In the same way, we have problems when we try to flee God. However, like Jonah, we will discover that He is always with us, even in our disobedience. His desire is that we repent and return to him.

3- To conform to the image of Christ. God is ready to break us and cause suffering to glorify Himself by making us His Son.

4-To equip us for the service. After suffering painful storms, we come out better equipped to help others.

5- To demonstrate his power in our lives. God uses the situation powerfully to make us more useful than before.


6- To reveal ourselves to us. Turbulent times give us a new perspective on the Lord and his action. Sometimes it comes after the storm when we look back and see how it made us cross. Then we understand better that his strength was enough for us and that his plan was good.

7- To demonstrate his love. Once we realize that God’s thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours, we will realize that any storm he brings is motivated by his love.

8- To remind us who is in control. Because his knowledge is complete, God never makes a mistake. Nothing happens in our lives without His permissive will. His good purpose, his powerful power and his unfailing love still govern the storms that come our way.

Looking at the past storms, what did the Lord teach you about himself and his ways? Remember that the Word of God is an unshakable anchor during a storm (life principle # 3). Hold your Word firmly and you will be able to remain faithful to the greatest challenges of life.

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