Dua Having Relation With Wife

Dua Having Relation With Wife In Arabic

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا


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Dua Having Relation With Wife In English Transcription

Bismillah, Allahumma Jannibna-sh-Shaitan, Wa Jannibi-sh-Shaitana ma Razaqtana

Dua Having Relation With Wife In English

I am having relations in the name of Allah. O Allah save us from Satan and keep him away from the children You grant us. The child that is born after the recitation of this dua will never be harmed by Satan
Sunan Abi Dawud: 2161

Ma femme veut ouvrir la relation. Notre mariage est-il terminé?

Jamie slumped on my couch, head in hand. “My wife says that her attraction to me has faded, she asked me if we could open our relationship, but it’s not something I want, what should I do?”

As a psychologist and sexologist, I work every day in the world of sex and intimacy. I consider that my work as a psychotherapist, author and educator is particularly important because we do not talk enough about sex, even with our partners.

There is so much mystery and shame to explore our sexuality. I heard dozens of spouses confess that they no longer felt the passion of their partner. They bravely share their fantasies about discovering sexual arousal in new ways. So I’m looking forward to helping Jamie understand the challenges of long-term love and explore how he and his partner could move forward.

Even if his wife is interested in a conversation with her, I would like to know that it is a sexual relationship. Like many people, his wife longs for the easy excitement and excitement she felt when they went out together.

At first, the attraction comes easily. Lust is a biological cocktail of dopamine, oxytocin, hopes and expectations filled with a sparkle of novelty. And it’s powerful. When we are drunk on the subject, we like to have a squeaky stuffed toy.

His wife dreamed of him and felt a delicious thrill. Sexual arousal rinsed her body during a work meeting. The passion was visceral and it was fantastic.

But after the novelty decreases, the relationship is established and the erotic is replaced by every day. I call this incorporated marriage: their business becomes a business instead of a love affair. Kids, careers, soccer practice, tax returns and pee with the door open. They do everything together but each other.

Sex falls at the bottom of the list of priorities. And when they make love, it’s rather boring. The typical sexual relationship in a long-term relationship lasts less than seven minutes between elbow and snoring. Last week, a patient told me that when his wife wanted to have sex, she asked them, “Is your mouthguard already ready?”

In addition, infrequent sex can lead to orgasm, but they lack passion, creativity and sizzle. There are no surprises in the predictable routine of “nipple, nipple, crotch, good evening”.

And then, one day, couples realize that they are not attracted to their partner. Marriage Inc. replaced Passion Inc.

This is what Jamie’s wife did well. She started the conversation about attraction, passion and their sex life. This is the best case. She did not cheat.

Sneaking for secret sex is a common way for a partner who has lost the appeal of recreating sexual arousal. Because even though 95% of people in couples say they want sexual exclusivity, reported infidelity rates range from 20% to 50%.

Research on sex, desire and monogamy therefore challenges us to face the facts. To want monogamy is one thing, to create a lasting passion is another. It’s more normal than thinking that someone fantasizes about sex outside of their relationship.

But instead of having an affair, Jamie’s wife proposes an open relationship, or non-consensual monogamy (CNM). The details are elaborated by each couple, but the basic idea is simple: the partners openly agree to engage in a sexual exploration with other people while remaining emotionally exclusive.

While it may be shocking that his wife is loosing the idea, about 4% of North Americans are in a relationship with the NJC and nearly a quarter of men and women say they want to at least consider engaging in this model of alternative relationship.


As difficult as they are, together they are starting to face the facts, and I hope all couples with disconnected sexual desire will do the same. His wife longs for more sexual passion, but she does not want to give up marriage. She thinks that new experiences will satisfy her. And they could, but only for a moment. Novelty, by definition, does not last.

So, if we need something new to “attract”, we must continue to look for new partners, new thrills or new taboos. So what can you do about it?

To speak honestly of these great feelings and ideas, very menacing, is a courageous and intimate act. And this can be a pivot for a much more satisfying relationship. But not an open relationship. Because Jamie wants monogamy. And it’s okay.

As with all sexual behavior, do not accept what you do not want. As a sex therapist, I’m not opposed to philosophically open relationships, but in real life, this model does not work for most couples. In my clinical experience, even when the terms are negotiated and both partners are on board, jealousy, guilt, and unresolved relational problems often tear the couples apart in an anguished, failed experience.

But what if he can become the new partner she is looking for? Instead of opening their marriage to other people, what happens if they open their marriage to each other?

If his wife is willing to play ball, I suggested that she commit to changing their relationship thoroughly and promising to revive the desire, the attraction and the sexual thrills between them. Since we almost all want monogamy, but passion fades with familiarity, the challenge is to restore warmth to monogamy.

Five tips to make monogamy still hot
Bring Buddha to the room
The conscious sex makes the familiar exciting again because the attraction is all in your head. When you nibble on a delicious chocolate truffle, you’re enjoying it here and now, even if you’ve had hundreds already. Why? Because paying attention to this truffle with attention makes the familiar experience fresh, lively and sensory, each chocolate tastes new and interesting.

You can create the erotic novelty in the same way by putting your head in bed. Research shows that the practice of mindfulness increases sexual desire, excitement and satisfaction. Instead of kissing someone new, kiss your same partner for the first time right now. When you listen to the lips, the tongue, the heat and the breath, the excitement can rise, and this kiss is new and exciting. Live the thrill you felt before, a kiss, a breath, at a time. The pleasure is available now, with the one you are with.

Treat sex as an exercise
Just do it. Of course, in the days of lustful encounters, a spontaneous desire swept over you and you fell into the bed like a pair of otters mating. But in long-term relationships, it is helpful to plan sex. As you do with the gym, engage in your sex workouts, go even when you do not feel like it, and after that, you’ll always be happy to have done it.

Schedule a weekly sexual meeting and, no matter how tired you are, the couch and Netflix, your commitment to passionate living must be respected. Couples who make love on time often find that they start having sex between two sexual encounters – it’s as if their sexual condition is improving.

Having gourmet sex
Complacency and laziness lead to boring sex. Many of us forget the vast possibilities of sensual exploration offered by two bodies multiplied by five senses. When did you lick your partner’s lap for the last time or did you gently blow it to your neck?

The erotic menu is vast. So stop counting on fast food. Shake the old routine of “nipple, nipple, crotch, good night”. Be creative and curious and promise to surprise yourself with a persistent five-course sensory feast. Give yourself a slow, erotic and sensual massage, or visit a love shop and get some sexy toys to bring the play back to foreplay.

Explore your black sexual energy
When a person seeks an affair or an open relationship, she aspires to the excitement of the taboo. And let’s face it, the taboo is sexy. We all have what I call “black sexual energy”. This is the raw and primordial aspect of our sexual desire. But often, we hide this side of our sexual self to our partner. So, instead of denying this part of your eroticism, take a chance and share it with your partner. Tell them, in detail, one of your secret fantasies.

Now, there is a difference between fantasy and reality, so you can not choose to play this scenario, but it can be very exciting to expose our deepest sexual desires to our beloved. And explore something new – attend a fetish party dressed in leather and lace, or spend a quick moment in the guest room at your boss’s dinner. Create excitement with sexy scenarios. Kick Marriage Inc. in the ass and rekindle the fire of lust.

Develop your orgasms with tantric sex
Typical orgasm peaks for 7 seconds for men and 21 seconds for women. Imagine extending this to minutes and beyond. If regular orgasm is a firecracker, tantric orgasm is a bonfire. You can learn to play with your sexual arousal by changing the way you breathe, connecting deeper with your partner while making love, and staying aware of orgasm (instead of letting yourself go to fantasy or fantasy). zoning).

Read my book or take a course on tantric sex. With practice, you can experience orgasm all over your body and experience multiple waves of pleasure. Put OM in Oh my.

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