Is abortion in Islam is allowed? and what does the Quran say about abortion? These are questions that a lot of people have when it comes to Islam.
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Islam has been present since the early 7th century and has a significant impact on many aspects of the modern world.
In order to better understand how to practice Islam, Muslims are encouraged to spend time learning about their religion and community.
As part of this process, Muslims must learn about Islamic texts like The Quran and Sunnah. Abortion is one such topic that can be found in these texts.
What is the status of abortion in Islam?
The status of abortion in Islam has been the subject of much debate over time. Most scholars believe that abortion is not allowed in Islam, but there are certain circumstances where an abortion would be considered permissible.
In general, Muslim jurists have traditionally regarded the fetus as the most important source of human life.
The womb is seen as a delicate vessel carrying a unique human soul, deserving of protection and tender treatment.
“And it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day.” [al-Baqara (2): 228]
The key things to know about the status of abortion in Islam are:
- Abortion is not mentioned explicitly in the Quran but is derived from various sources such as the Sunnah (the practices and teachings of Muhammad) and Ijma (consensus) of the Ummah
- There are certain circumstances where an abortion would be considered permissible by most scholars
- The status of abortion can change depending on the circumstance
- This issue should be discussed with a knowledgeable Muslim who can make a ruling for you
When does an abortion become permissible?
There are many other conditions for an abortion in Islam to be considered permissible but these are the main ones that you need to know about.
There are two cases where an abortion is considered permissible. The first case is when the woman’s life is at risk and the second case is when the woman’s physical health is in danger.
If a woman’s life is at risk, an abortion would be allowed in order to save her life. If a woman’s physical health is endangered then an abortion would also be allowed to save her from pain, suffering, or disability.
The Quran says nothing about abortion in Islam
The Quran is the holy book for Muslims. It’s a book that was revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Dignity of the human soul The Islamic Sharia intended to preserve and take care of five matters, namely: religion, soul, mind, honor and money., where the laws regulating life called for the preservation and protection of the human being, and Islam legislated numerous provisions aimed at preserving the human right to life;
The counting of killing oneself unjustly is a widespread corruption on earth, and the punishment of retribution was arranged for its action. In fact, Islam went even further, when it legislated the rights of the fetus in its mother’s womb to nurture its safety, and secure its exit to the spacious world safely;
To take the role entrusted to him in the task of caliphate on the earth, the Sharia has authorized the mother – for example – to perform some acts of worship that would result in harm to him, and from here Islam has forbidden killing the fetus or exposing it to harm, as it is a body that creates, its cells multiply, and its organs It is formed, and he has the right to come out to life safe and sound, so what is the ruling on an aborted fetus?

Abortion according to Islamic beliefs
abortion in Islam is considered evil and haram (forbidden) by Muslims, however many believe that it may be permissible under certain circumstances.
When the continuation of the pregnancy would put the mother’s life in imminent risk, all schools of Islamic law agree that abortion is permissible. After 120 days of pregnancy, this is the sole cause that is allowed for aborting the child.
Different schools of Muslim law have differing opinions on whether or not abortion is authorised for any other reasons, and if so, at what stage of pregnancy it is permitted.
Abortion is permitted throughout the first 16 weeks of pregnancy in certain schools of Islamic law, whereas it is prohibited during the first 7 weeks in others.
In contrast, even those academics who would allow for early abortion in some circumstances still consider abortion to be bad, but do not consider it to be a criminal offence. The farther along a woman is in her pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of anything going wrong.
Although the Qur’an does not specifically mention abortion, it does provide instruction on related issues. Scholars agree that this instruction may be implemented correctly in the case of abortion.
abortion in Islam According to Islamic law
According to Islamic law, every human life is holy and should be respected and protected. When it comes to having children, both couples have a right to do so, and neither should hinder that right without a valid cause.
Safer methods of contraception are favoured over those that are legal. It is illegal to abort a child after the mother’s egg has been fertilised without the consent of both parents.
Abortion becomes illegal after 40 days of pregnancy, according to most experts, unless there is a genuine necessity that justifies it under Islamic law. To save the mother’s life, terminating the gestation of a live foetus beyond 120 days would be permitted. Feticide, the death of a soul-bearing, unborn human being, is illegal if it is done illegally. Abortion in the instance of foetal demise is also deemed acceptable by academics, since the soul is no longer thought to be present.
To sum it up, words like “good cause” and “pressing necessity” have long been associated with the finest grade of academics. People who use these phrases incorrectly assume that they mean the same thing to everyone. As a result, an Islamic scholar should always be contacted to establish whether or not an abortion is permissible in a certain situation. The scholar’s job is to deliver an expert opinion based on Islamic law that takes into account the specific circumstances of each individual. A fatwa, on the other hand, is an official decision issued by a religious authority (specific edict).
Abortion is permissible under certain conditions among Muslims, including time and other mitigating considerations. The four Sunni schools of thought vary in their views on the permissibility of abortion at various stages of pregnancy. As a reminder, Malikites do not allow abortions at any stage of pregnancy.