Are tattoos haram

Are tattoos haram?

So, are tattoos haram in Islam? what is it about having a tattoo that is considered Haram in Islam? The verses of the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) both provide one primary justification for this belief. The reason for this is because it is considered a demonic deed by Allah to “change the lovely creation of Allah.”

In Islam, tattoos are considered haram (forbidden) and a grave sin. There are various Prophetic hadiths (sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him) that speak to the issue of tattoos. Women who obtain tattoos and those who tattooed others were both condemned by the Prophet.

In Islam, are tattoos haram?

Tattooing, which involves piercing the skin with a needle and injecting a blue or other coloured dye, is haram in all forms, whether it causes pain or not. This is because it involves the modification of Allah’s creation, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) condemned both the one who produces tattoos and the one who receives a tattoo for this same reason for whom they are done.

“May Allah curse the ladies who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their brows and those who file their teeth for the sake of beautifying and change Allah’s creation,” said ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood.

1. Modifying Allah’s original creation.

When Satan (Shaytan) asked Allah to deceive humanity, a passage in the Qur’an indicates that Allah accepted the challenge. One of the methods, he has described in which he would fool us and send us to the fires of hell is by ‘altering Allah’s creation,’ he says. The passage in the Qur’an may be found in the ‘Chapter of Women’ (Surah An-Nisa) verses 118 to 121, which are part of the ‘Chapter of Women’ chapter.

One of the methods to change Allah’s creation, according to the Prophet’s hadith, is to change Allah’s creation itself. Getting a tattoo, according to the Prophet, is equivalent to altering Allah’s creation. And loathed the women who managed to get it done while also doing it to others.

2. Discomfort and the possibility of infection

Tattooing is a procedure in which a needle that has been coated with ink is placed into the skin. This process results in unnecessarily painful self-inflicted suffering as well as voluntary torture by another person.

In addition, when the needle pierces into your skin, there is a significant danger of infection. It is possible for foreign entities to infiltrate the body, resulting in skin problems and infections.

Health specialists at the Mayo Clinic, who are well recognised, believe that Tattooing has the potential to induce a variety of infections and consequences. Allergies, skin infections, inflammation, bloodborne disorders, and MRI problems are examples of what to expect in the future.

Are tattoos haram
Are tattoos haram

3. Deception that lasts a lifetime

In Islam, deception is considered to be one of the most serious sins. Whether it’s dishonesty in one’s voice, actions, or looks, it’s a serious matter. A Muslim is always honest and trustworthy in his or her words, behaviour, and physical appearance, regardless of the situation.

People should not be misled by our looks, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade us from doing so. One such instance may be seen in the hadith of our Prophet (upon whom be peace).

People were not permitted to colour their hair black, according to the Prophet (peace be upon him). This is due to the fact that this is a sort of appearance-based deceit.

Consider the scenario of an elderly gentleman with grey hair who decides to colour his hair black in order to attract a younger wife. Nevertheless, he is misleading others (such as the young lady) into believing that he is far younger than he really is.

Is it a Sin to Get a Tattoo in Islam? Are tattoos haram?

Yes, getting a tattoo is a big offence in Islam.

It is definitely forbidden for Muslims to get tattooed or to tattoo others.

It is a severe sin since Allah curses everyone who gets tattooed or tattoos others.

Anything in Islam that causes Allah or His Messenger to curse the person committing it is considered a severe sin.

As a result, having a tattoo is a huge sin, and as Muslims, we should avoid obtaining tattoos or tattooing others.

Is Temporary tattoo haram in Islam?

Temporary tattoos are not considered haram in Islam but are considered halal. They are halal since they are not altering Allah’s creation in any way that is permanent. Simply said, they are transitory methods of beautifying that are acceptable under Islamic law. Tattoos that are only meant to be temporary will ultimately fade away in a short period of time or may be removed with soap and water at the end of the day.

According to Islamic scholars, transitory refers to a period of a few days or a maximum of two to three weeks. Anything more would be seen as being permanent. This is due to the fact that they are altering Allah’s creation over an extended period of time.

For example, henna, Bridal Mehndi, Kohl (cosmetic eyeliner), and other temporary tattoos are all examples of this. All of them only last a day or a few weeks until they are washed away or faded away completely. Therefore, they all qualify as transitory measures of beautifying and, as a result, are permitted under Islamic law.

Something like microblading eyebrows, which may last up to six months, would be considered haram under Islamic law. This is due to the fact that six months is a lengthy amount of time to be unable to return to your original shape. As a result, microblading would be considered permanent tattooing, which is prohibited in Islam.


In all of these cases, the Ahaadeeth testify that the one who does them is cursed and that they are serious crimes. There is significant disagreement among academics as to why tattoos are prohibited. It was argued that it is because they are a type of deceit, and it was also said that it is a manner of modifying Allah’s creation, as Ibn Mas’ood said – which is more right and contains the first meaning.

It was also argued that what is banned is just that which is permanent since modifying Allah’s creation is forbidden; nevertheless, what is not permanent, such as kohl, which is used for female beautification, is authorised by the scholars. (5/393) Tafseer al-Qurtubi

So, if what is referred to in the question is that which is not permanent, it is not a tattoo in the traditional sense and does not alter Allah’s creation.

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