Ashura is an important religious holiday that is celebrated by Muslims around the world, particularly those belonging to the Shia sect. It is a day of mourning and remembrance, marking the death of Imam Husayn, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. The significance of Ashura goes beyond its historical importance, as it serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by the early Muslims in the fight for justice and righteousness.
The Origins of Ashura
The Battle of Karbala took place in what is now modern-day Iraq, during the reign of the Umayyad caliph Yazid I. Imam Husayn, who was the son of Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam, and Fatimah, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad, was seen as the rightful leader of the Muslims by the Shia sect. However, Yazid, who was perceived as a corrupt and oppressive ruler, had seized power and sought to eliminate any potential threats to his rule.
Imam Husayn and his family, along with a small group of supporters, were invited to come to Karbala to pay allegiance to Yazid. However, upon their arrival, they were met with a large army led by Yazid’s governor, Umar ibn Sa’ad. The forces of Yazid demanded that Imam Husayn swear loyalty to the caliph, but he refused, choosing to stand up for what he believed was right rather than succumb to oppression.
The ensuing battle ended with the defeat and death of Imam Husayn and his companions, including his family members and children. The event is seen as a turning point in the history of Islam, as it marked the division between the Shia and Sunni sects, with the Shia viewing Imam Husayn as a martyr and hero who stood up against injustice.
The Meaning of Ashura
The commemoration of Ashura is a time for Muslims to reflect on the sacrifices made by Imam Husayn and the early Muslims, and to reaffirm their commitment to justice and righteousness. It is a day of mourning, with many Shia Muslims participating in processions and rituals to honor the memory of Imam Husayn.
One common practice is the ta’ziya, which involves the reenactment of the events leading up to and including the Battle of Karbala. This is often done through plays, parades, and other performances, with participants dressed in black to symbolize their grief and sorrow.
Other rituals associated with Ashura include fasting, recitation of the Quran, and making donations to charity. Some Shia Muslims may also engage in self-flagellation or other acts of physical self-mortification as a way of expressing their devotion and humility.
The Significance of Ashura in Modern Times
Ashura holds a special place in the hearts of many Muslims, and its significance goes beyond its historical roots. In modern times, it serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of great adversity. It is a time to honor the sacrifices of the past, and to continue the fight for justice and equality in the present.
Ashura also serves as a means of uniting Muslims around the world, regardless of their sect or nationality. It is a time for people to come together and share in the collective grief and loss, and to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of Islam.
Ashura is a deeply meaningful and important holiday for Muslims, particularly for those belonging to the Shia sect. It marks the death of Imam Husayn at the Battle of Karbala, and serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by the early Muslims in the fight for justice and
Ashura – A Muslim holy day celebrated on the tenth of Musharraf, the first month of the Islamic calendar (Gregorian date variable). Learn more information about him by looking at this thread.
The word Ashura is derived from an Arabic word that means “ten.” Muharram is derived from the Arabic root -r-m, which has numerous meanings, including “forbidden” (arm).
Muharram was one of the four sacred months during which no fighting was allowed.
What is Ashura?
According to the Islamic calendar, Ashura is a Muslim holy day commemorated across the globe on the 10th of Muharram.
It is believed in the eyes of Shia Muslims as the culmination of Muharram and the death of Husayn Ibn Ali (the great-grandson of Prophet Muhammad) during Karbala.
For Sunnis, it commemorates the day Moses fasted to express his thankfulness for the Israelites’ emancipation.
It is also a Shia Muslim holy day of sadness and is observed with most Shia Muslims.
Other Muslim groups practice fasting and meditation throughout the day.
Ashura commemorates the sad ‘Battle of Karbala,’ in which Husayn ibn Ali, a 7th-century revolutionary leader, was murdered.
Millions of Muslims throughout the world commemorate Husayn’s sacrifice and noble stance on social justice on Ashura Day.
The narrative is based on 13 centuries ago, just after Prophet Muhammad died in 632 A.D.
A disagreement erupted about the Muslim community’s leader and caliph.
Most Muslims favored Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s close associate, to take over the leadership and become the first caliph.
Others supported Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law and cousin, as the Prophet’s legitimate successor.
The Shia sect of Muslims was formed due to those who backed this notion.
Shia Muslims revere Ali as their first imam, a divinely ordained leader, whether or not he was chosen as caliph.
The title would be passed down through Ali’s sons and grandchildren. Regardless of the title of caliph, Shias began to see their Imam as the ultimate authority.
The rivalry between the Imam and the caliph worsened when Ali’s second son Husayn became the third imam.
The Umayyad dynasty controlled the Islamic country from 661 to 750 A.D.
In the holy month of Muharram in 680 A.D., one of the caliphs, Yazid, ordered Husayn to pledge allegiance to him and his caliphate.
Husayn refused the edict, believing Yazid to be an unfair and illegitimate ruler.
His denial ended in a ten-day fight between Husayn’s tiny clan and Yazid’s enormous army in the desert of Karbala (modern-day Iraq). His sisters, half-brother, spouses, children, and closest associates made up Husayn’s tribe.
At Karbala, Umayyad forces encircled and halted Husayn and his men.
Husayn and his troops prayed their final prayers at dawn on Ashura, awaiting their fate.
Even though they knew they would die that day, the soldiers remained committed to Husayn and his cause.
At midday, the battle of Karbala started.
Husayn’s warriors battled Yazid’s army bravely, knowing that their sacrifice would spark the revolution.
The friends were assassinated one by one. Only Husayn remained on his own.
The Umayyad troops cut off Husayn and his comrades’ food and water supply.
Husayn, although being severely wounded and thirsty, persisted. As dusk approached, the army of Yazd assaulted Husayn from all sides, murdering him horribly.
What is the way Ashura is commemorated?

Shia Muslims, in particular, observe the day as a solemn occasion.
Shias join in public mourning and processions on this day.
Some Sunni Muslims practice fasting to commemorate Ashura.
The commemorations on this day symbolize the hardship that Imam Hussain went through just before his death.
Ashura also commemorates Noah’s departure from the ark and God’s deliverance of Prophet Moses from Egypt’s Pharaoh.
There are three manifestations of celebration, as follows:
Shia Muslims wear mourning clothing on this day, and some make pilgrimages to the shrine at Karbala, Iraq.
Paying tribute and mourning Husayn’s funeral are just a few of the ways to commemorate his.
During this challenging period, parties, music, and weddings are prohibited.
Ashura is a fasting day for Sunni Muslims to express appreciation for God’s giving to Moses.
It is a reminder of the day that Allah divide the Red Sea to save Moses and his fellow travelers.
Be patient
Hosay (Ashura) takes on a particular character in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Tobago, demonstrating religious tolerance and mutual respect.
The event, which is attended by Muslims and members of other faiths, has absorbed elements from various religions, including Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, and traditional Baptist customs.
Thousands of people take part in Ashura processions worldwide, from London to New York to Melbourne and Lahore, recalling and reenacting the Battle of Karbala.
After Husayn’s execution, A white horse is paraded around the city in honor of Husayn’s horse, which returned to the camp without any rider.
On the day of Ashura, Shia Muslims from all over the globe travel to Iraq to visit the shrines of Husayn and his brother Abbas.
The day is unhappy in Islamic history, with Muslims commemorating Husayn’s death at the Battle of Karbala.
The day is also sorrowful for Muslims of the Sunni faith, as they fast and pray to pay their respects.
Sermons are preached, and Husayn’s life and ideals are retold.
The history of the battle and its tragic events are recreated, and the passion plays are staged.
Indeed dedicated adherents also practice Self-flagellation.
Both genders dress in dark shades on the day that marks sorrow because this is an occasion to mourn.
Questions and answers
Learn about the most critical questions that may occupy your mind and are related to Ashura, such as the following:
What is the significance of Ashura, and why is it commemorated?
According to Sunni Muslims, Ashura was the day when Prophet Moses fasted in celebration of the Israelites’ independence. The Shia Muslim community commemorates the day primarily as a day of grief.
Why do Shias like to dress in black?
Shia Muslims wear black to commemorate the death of Imam Husayn ibn Ali, his family, and his followers.
In Islam, what does Ashura mean?
In Islam, the word ‘Ashura’ signifies ‘tenth.’
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