Can you have Sex during Ramadan? Is it okay if we have Sex at night and then take a bath before completing the sahor? Many questions like these recur in your mind. Here is a detailed answer based on the opinions of some religious scholars.
Can you have Sex during Ramadan?
About can you have Sex during Ramadan? Intercourse during Ramadaan is prohibited for both men and women, who must fast throughout the day.
That is a sin for which a sacrifice (kafaarah) must be made.
If this is not feasible, the kafaarah is to release an enslaved person; if this is not possible, the person must fast for two months; if this is not possible, the person must feed sixty poor people.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: while we were sitting with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a man came to him and said,
“O Messenger of Allaah, I am doomed!” He said, “What happened?”
He said, “I had intercourse with my wife when I was fasting [in Ramadaan].”
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
“Are you able to free a slave?”
He said, “No.” He said, “Are you able to fast for two consecutive months?”
He said, “No.” He said, “Can you feed sixty poor persons?” He said, “No.” Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) remained silent for a while, and while we were like that, a large vessel of dates was brought to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
And he said, “Where is the one who was asking?” He said, “Here I am.”
He said, “Take these and give them in charity.”
The man said, “Is there anyone poorer than me, O Messenger of Allaah? For there is no household between the two Harrahs (lava fields – i.e., in Madeenah) that is poorer than my household.”
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) smiled until his eyeteeth could be seen, then he said, “Feed it to your family.”
Here Conclusion
According to Islamic Sharia, husbands and wives are forbidden from having sexual relations during the Ramadan fasting hours.
While this is the general norm, we recognize that other connected questions require responses from a trustworthy source.
What if a married couple had sexual relations during the fasting period?
Can you have Sex during Ramadan? If both parties were fasting, having intercourse would break their fast, and the husband would be required to do a maximum kaffara:
- Make up the fast and fast for 60 days in a row.
- On the other hand, the lady is just obligated to make up the day’s fast.
- If one of them isn’t fasting, they aren’t required to perform any kaffara.
Can you have Sex during Ramadan & Is it permissible for husband and wife to kiss, embrace, or touch during Ramadan?
Fasting might be ruined if semen or any other sexual fluid was ejaculated during such intimate actions.
In this scenario, it is necessary to make up the missed fasting day.
The fast is still legitimate if semen was produced due to a sexual thought rather than physical skin-to-skin contact.
As a result, partners are encouraged to avoid such behaviors during the fasting hours, as they may lose control of their sexual drive.
Is having a wet dream a reason to break your fast?
Fasting can be continued even if a person has a wet dream.
They are, however, asked to shower and cleanse their entire body before dusk, if at all feasible.
The kaffara is a punishment for having sexual relations during the fasting hours

What happens if a guy had sexual relations with his wife during the fasting hours that were a mandatory fast for one or both of them?
Can you have Sex during Ramadan: Answer
Having sexual relations during the Ramadan fasting period
- Make the highest kaffara [expiation] if a man is fasting and participates in sexual intercourse during Ramadan’s fasting hours.
- Compensate for the fast.
- Fast for sixty days in a row.
He must also repent of this sin by regretting it and promising never to do so again.
He is not required to do kaffara or make up the fast if only his wife were fasting.
The woman who breaks her fast by participating in sexual intercourse during an obligatory fast must merely make up the fast and is not required to make kaffara because the Prophet only instructed the man who vitiated his Ramadan fast to make kaffara not to tell his wife to do the same.
Because it is against the law to postpone the resolution of a problem beyond its due date, it has become common knowledge that a woman in such situations must merely make up the fast and repent.
However, if she was not fasting, she was not required to make up the fast or make restitution.
Can you have Sex during Ramadan?: A conclusion

Is it possible to have Sex while fasting? This is a question that virtually everyone has considered at least once.
Why is sexual activity during fasting such a colossal affair and fraught with a taboo?
Is it true that engaging in Sex during a fast has negative health consequences, or is refraining from it only an unspoken rule?
We tried to find solutions here by separating myths from facts in this article.
When we ask can you have Sex during Ramadan?, the answer will be clear and explicit: No, you can’t.
Fasting has been linked to various health advantages, including blood sugar regulation, inflammation reduction, improved heart health, and improved cognitive performance.
A simple act of not eating for a defined length of time might bring about various other favorable benefits.
However, if you don’t eat or drink anything, your body becomes weak, and your energy level plummets.
And Sex is the last thing on your mind at this point.
Because it is Haram, in addition to, Sex is a complex procedure that demands energy and calories.
As a result, Sex while fasting is forbidden.
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