Dua After Rainfall | Thank Allah for His Blessings

Dua After rainfall In Arabic – 1

مُطِرْنَا بِفَضْلِ اللهِ وَ رَحْمَتِهِ

Dua After rainfall In English Transcription – 1

Mutirnaa bifadhlillaahi wa rahmatihi.

Dua After rainfall In English – 1

We have been given rain by the grace and mercy of Allah.
Al-Bukhari 1:205, Muslim 1:83

Dua After rainfall Arabic – 2

اللّهُمَّ صَيِّـباً نافِـعاً

Dua After rainfall In English Transcription – 2

Allaahumma sayyiban naafi’an.

Dua After rainfall In English – 2

O Allah, (bring) beneficial rain clouds.
Al-Bukhari 2:158

Dua After rainfall In Arabic – 3

اللّهُمَّ حَوالَيْنا وَلا عَلَيْـنَا، اللّهُمَّ عَلى الآكَـامِ وَالظِّـرابِ، وَبُطُـونِِ الأوْدِيةِ، وَمَنـابِِتِ الشَّجَـرِ

Dua After rainfall In English Transcription – 3

Allaahumma hawaalaynaa wa laa ‘alaynaa. Allaahumma ‘alal-‘aakaami wadh-dhiraabi, wa butoonil-‘awdiyati, wa manaabitish-shajari

Dua After rainfall In English – 3

O Allah, let it pass us and not fall upon us, but upon the hills and mountains, and the center of the valleys, and upon the forested lands.
Al-Bukhari 1:224, Muslim 1:614

Explain this supplication

The prayer for the rain (salat al-‘istisqa ‘) has been expressly mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and is the subject of a consensus. Almighty God says:

وإذ استسقى موسى لقومه …

When Moses prayed for water for his people, … (Quran 2:60)

فقلت استغفروا ربكم إنه كان غفارا * يرسل السماء عليكم مدرا

And I said, “Ask your Lord for forgiveness; Surely he will forgive forever, and he will make you lose the sky in torrents. (Quran 71: 10-11)

A tradition tells that once, when the inhabitants of Medina were faced with drought and the prophet delivered a sermon, a man stood up and said, “The horses and women perished. Pray God for giving us rain. “The Prophet (S) extended his hands and prayed.

Anas says: “The sky was clear like a piece of glass, then the wind blew in. The clouds emerged and gathered and the sky spread its blessings. through the pools to our house. “It continued to rain until the following Friday and the same person stood up again and said:” O Prophet of Allah, houses have fallen and the caravans have been stopped . So pray God to stop him. “The Prophet smiled and then said,” My God, rain down around us, not on us. “Then I looked at the sky and saw it (it’s to say the clouds) to split and form a garland around Medina. “

The drought, the insufficient rainfall and the drying up of the springs are at the origin of this salat. The schools agree that if the rain is delayed even after the execution of the salat, it is essential to repeat it. If it is preceded by three days of fasting and the people go on foot, in a humble and complicit way, accompanied by their wives and children, elderly people, men and women, and his cattle, he will be more propitious to the invocation of divine mercy. .

There is a consensus that it is valid to perform it individually as well as in jama’ah and that it has no adhan nor iqamah; it is essential that the Imam pronounce a sermon after the salat. The schools agree that it includes two rak’ahs to perform, such as the two rak’ahs of salat al-‘id, according to what each school specifies in this regard. Malikis and Hanafis say, “It’s like salat al-‘Id, but without extra takbirat.

The Imamis observe: “After each takbirah, it is absolutely essential to recite like gibberish imploring the mercy and the blessing of God and seeking rains.

The four Sunni schools state: This type of supplication will be mentioned by the preacher after the salat during the sermon and not in the salat itself.


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