Dua Asking Allah to grant you a child

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child Arabic – 1

رَبِّ ھَبْ لِيْ مِنْ لَّدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۚ اِنَّكَ سَمِيْعُ الدُّعَاۗءِ

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child English Transcription – 1

Rabbi Hab Lee Mil Ladunka D’urriyyatan T’ayyibah Innaka Samee-u’d Du’aa

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child English – 1

O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation. Surah Al-Imran – 3:38

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child Arabic – 2

رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِيْ فَرْدًا وَّاَنْتَ خَيْرُ الْوٰرِثِيْنَ

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child English Transcription – 2

Rabbi Laa Tad’arnee Fardaw wa Anta Khayrul Waaritheen

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child English – 2

O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors.
Surah Al-Anbiya – 21:89

What is taken from supplication :

The desire to have children is an instinct of every human being. It’s in our genes. After marriage, the goal of each couple is to have a family of their own where they can enjoy the laughter and laughter of their children. Sometimes, if a couple is not able to conceive, there is a lot of discomfort and stress. Some time, even a relationship comes to a point where both spouses decide to end their activities. In such circumstances, you must never lose hope. If you have been unable to conceive, it does not mean that you will never be able to conceive in the future.
There can be many reasons and complications. Today, medical science has reached the stage of in vitro fertilization and test-tube babies, so there is no reason to be disappointed. With drugs, Duas have the same importance. You should not rely solely on Duas or drugs, each of which is important. We have summarized here some couples of Dua for having children.

Quranic Dua for Having Children:

In Surah Al-imran we can find a very famous Dua for having children.

رَبِّ هَب لى مِن لَدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ إِنَّكَ سَميعُ الدُّعاءِ

Translation: “My Lord! grant me your good offspring;

You are surely the listener of prayer.

rabbi hab lee min ladounka thurriyyatan tayyibatan

innaka sameeAAudduAAa [Surah Al-Imran, verse 38]

The prophet Zechariah (peace be upon him) to have a child:

رَبِّ لا تَذَرنى فَردًا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الوٰرِثينَ 

Translation: “O my Lord! do not leave me without children,

even though you are the best heir.

“Rabbi the Tathagata fardan wa anta khayru al waritheen
(Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 89)


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