Dua for Family Bliss | Strengthen Family Bonds with Dua

Dua For a blissful family In Arabic

رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

Dua For a blissful family In English Transcription

Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata ‘ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena Imaama

Dua For a blissful family In English

O my Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.
Surah Al-Furqan – 25:74

Ways a Blissful Family Life Depends on Living Organic

No happiness in this world is big enough to have your family healthy, together and happy. Before you, the skeptics, tell you that family is a secondary joy to all the decisions we make every day for commercial reasons, I have to stop here. No company has ever embraced me to sleep like my husband. , no signed contract made me laugh to tears like my kids and no bonuses ever comforted me during tough days like my brother. Nevertheless, if you prefer to choose partner dinners and extravagant dinners rather than family dinners, go for it, we should all cherish our priorities.

A word

After doing everything I did on my vision board (and yes, I’m one of those people who have accomplished everything by working hard, staying committed and believing in the love of the universe) , I realized – I have everything. A great house, a wonderful husband, amazing children and so much happiness in my life that I sometimes have to pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming. When I look back, I like the fact that my husband and I have always been able to put children first, despite the workloads that overwhelm us and when I look at them, I see these human beings exceptional, I am incredibly proud of. Naturally, we had the help of our two mothers (even if they did not tolerate too much, they settled everything – for the benefit of the children), otherwise we would probably go crazy. How do unaided parents do it? I encourage them!


Organic choices

One of the things that makes me particularly happy is that I taught my kids the importance of a sustainable and organic way of life and why it matters. Of course, they used to hide broccoli and chicken instead of ordering pizza, but over time they got used to it and started to like it. How? ‘Or’ What? We often talked about the importance of eating well and a healthy lifestyle during meals and, over time, they loved it; they have been quick to adapt to organic and sustainable lifestyles.
Healthy foodWe have a huge yard and a vegetable garden where we like to eat products; it’s more of an attempt at gardening than anything else – but it’s the idea that counts! We started by developing it as a family project. This has allowed John and me to teach children about bio by playing and organizing family activities, and to help them understand how wonderful it is to enjoy the taste of your own product.
Naturally, we often have to shop and when we do, we buy food at the local market at our organic grocers. By investing in small family businesses, we are investing not only in the health and well-being of our family. Oh, and we always take the kids and talk about vegetables and fruits at the market.

Sustainable clothing

When my two daughters came to me and asked, “Mum, are we poor?” And why are we using kids’ jeans in thrift stores instead of buying in the mall “as do the other kids in the class, “I told them: sustainable shopping; at the time, it meant nothing to them, so I had to find an easier approach. So, I explained (and paraphrased) that “we buy recycled clothes, natural fibers and clothes that were not made by poor and underpaid women and children in India”. My youngest cried saying that she could not understand why anyone would “make a girl or boy work for $ 10 all day” and asked if she could send her savings ($ 25 total) to those kids .
It broke my heart. We have taught children the importance of giving clothes that they no longer wear. We send the clothes to the local shelter and the Red Cross.

Reuse and recycling

Recycling and reuse of products is a way to give back to nature, reduce pollution and avoid waste. Most of our furniture is made through recycling; we chose modern recycled and cheap rugs for children’s rooms and we try to repair the furniture before throwing them away. Separate used milk cartons from glass bottles, discard electronic devices and dead vegetables and use a separate paper tray is self-evident. Children do it too. The other day, my son told John, “Dad threw a can in my wastebasket.” Ha-ha! So cute! For your family to be happy and healthy, work on it. Have a united front with your wife, talk to your children and educate them – they will thank you one day!


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