Dua for Salah | Strengthen Your Connection with Allah

Dua Offer Salah Regularly In Arabic

إِنَّ رَبِّي لَسَمِيعُ الدُّعَاءِ رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةِ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِي ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ

Dua Offer Salah Regularly In English Tarnscription

Inna Rabbee la samee ud duaa. Rabbij alnee muqeemas salaati wa min thurriyyatee rabbana wa taqabbal duaaIndeed,

Dua Offer Salah Regularly In English

my Lord is the Hearer of supplication. My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.
Surah Ibraheem – 14:39-40

How to be regular with your prayers in Isla

Prayer in Islam (also called Salah) [1] is one of the most important actions as a Muslim and one of the five pillars of Islam. [2] It is important to stay regular with your five daily prayers as it is part of being a Muslim. You should avoid delaying it at the agreed time and pay attention to keeping it daily. It can be difficult to be regular in your prayers, especially if you are a new converted Muslim or if you have never tried to pray before, but following some methods and techniques, you will be able to keep the prayer in your prayer. routine with the help of Allah. Here is what is reported about Jabir Ibn Abdullah: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The key to paradise is prayer; the key to prayer is Wudu (ablution).

1 – Understand what prayer is and learn the meaning.

The best motivation to stay regular in your prayers is to understand and appreciate its benefits. You may be praying and having no idea what you are doing, but you are doing it anyway because you have to do it. This is not the right way to stay regular with your prayers and it may discourage you and prevent you from praying. Learn the meaning and understand it by reading the Qur’an and reading Ahadith.

In the Qur’an, it says, “And I have chosen you, so listen to what is inspired of you.” Truly, I am Allah! There is no other worthy of worship than me, so worship me and offer a perfect prayer for my remembrance. “We only pray to worship Allah and remember him. [3]
It is mentioned in a hadith that states, “Prayer is the first thing that the slave [a Muslim] will be called to account for.” It is prayer, if it is good, the rest of his acts will be also, and if it’s bad, then the rest of his actions will be bad.”[4]

2- Set the alarms five minutes before the prayer time.

To find out when it is almost time to pray, set alarms for each prayer that is five minutes before the prayer. This can help you prepare, for example, to wear appropriate clothing, find a place to pray, to do Wudu, and to encourage your Muslim friends or family members to prepare to pray as well.

You may want to set alarms on your phone, tablet, or computer to receive a notification about the prayer.
If you can not set the alarm, try sticking the prayer times on a piece of paper and placing them around the areas of the house you will see, such as the refrigerator, your calendar, and so on.
If you have trouble keeping an alarm, it may be helpful for a Muslim friend or family member to remind you of the time of prayer. However, remember that you are responsible for your own prayers, so avoid relying too much on them. [5]

3 – Pray at home or wherever you can.

It can be difficult to always pray at the masjid (mosque) every day. Therefore, if you are busy and have other tasks to do, it is acceptable to pray at home. [6] If you know that you will not be home in a while, you can pray to where you are as long as you pray in a clean, quiet place (for example, at school, at school, at school). work, in a shop). , etc.).

4 – Learn more about the blessings of prayer.

Prayer regularly is a great blessing and the rewards are great. Always remember how important prayer is and its benefits. Prayer brings you closer to Allah and allows you to reflect on all the gifts He has given you. It also allows you to ask Allah for help when you are going through a difficult time. [seven]

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The most important of all problems is Islam, its spinal cord is prayer and the highest rank is Jihad for the sake of Allah “[8]. Prayer also erases all bad sins. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Tell me, if there is a river overflowing in front of the house and you bathe five times a day, will there be any the earth on you? “They [the Prophet’s Companions] said,” There will be no dust on him. “He then added,” This is the example of the five daily obligatory prayers by which Allah removes sins. “[ 9]

5 – Remember often Allah.

The only way to be regular in your prayers is to remember Allah throughout the day. This will prevent you from forgetting it and allow you to stay regular in your prayers. Often perform Islamic tasks such as doing Dhikr, donating charity or Zakat, attending Islamic gatherings or speeches, listening to Islamic lectures, reciting the Qur’an, fasting and participating in other good deeds. [ten]

6 – Do the Du’a daily so that Allah helps you.

Staying with your prayers regularly is not always easy and you will sometimes feel lazy or discouraged. Understand that this is normal and that many Muslims know this feeling. However, it is important not to give in and ask Allah to help you by doing Dua. You can find a lot of good Du’a in the Quran or you can create one yourself by expressing yourself with your own words on how you need Allah’s help. [11] Some Du’as of the Qur’an include: [14:40] “My Lord, make me a founder of prayer and [many] of my descendants, our Lord, and accept my supplication.
” [66: 8] “Our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us our sins, for in truth you have power over all things.” [7: 126]
“Our Lord, give us patience and steadfastness, and let us die like those who surrendered themselves to you.” [3: 8]
“Our Lord, do not let our hearts depart from the truth after you have guided us, and grant us the mercy of your grace: in truth, you are the giver of unmeasured generosity.”


7- Understand that prayer has been made easy for you.

If you travel, you can combine your prayers to make your journey easier. [12] If you are very weak or very sick, you can pray sitting, and if it is difficult enough, you can also pray while lying down. [13] It is important to pray: praying should not be a chore and Allah has made it easy for you. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to pray, and sometimes even less, depending on your prayer or the nature of your prayer.

8- Commit yourself to your prayers and do not be discouraged.

Sometimes you are not exactly on time for prayer (for example, if you are a surgeon, you can not go out to pray during an operation, if you are a student, you can not go to pray during an exam ., etc.) and you will not be absolutely perfect for everyone. You may wake up late and miss your prayer or simply forget about it at some point. Do not be discouraged and do not strive to be punctual and regular in your prayers.
Understand that Allah is All-Forgiving (Al-Ghafoor). If you stop missing your prayer or delay it for any reason, repent to it and ask it to make it easier for you. [14]

9- Reward yourself when you remain faithful to your prayers.

Give yourself a small gift to reward you when you start to stay regular for your daily prayers. Maybe you could buy a little present, go to a restaurant, or do something fun, like going to the park. A small gift will encourage you to stay in the habit and stay regular with your prayers.

10-Understand that it takes time.

If you are a beginner in prayer or have recently converted, staying regular in your prayers is not always easy and will take a lot of effort. Understand that Allah helps those who truly try to worship Him, and with His will you will be able to pray regularly and stay true to your prayers.


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