Dua When Looking Into The Mirror In Arabic
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي
Dua When Looking Into The Mirror In English Transcription
Allahumma antha hasantha khalqi fa hasintha khulqi
Dua When Looking Into The Mirror In Arabic English
O Allah, just as You have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well.
Al-Hisnul-Haseen Pg. 206
What is correct, “look in the mirror” or “look at the mirror”?
Here are some examples.
Look in the mirror and tell me what you see. Do you see a beautiful / charming / healthy / confident YOU?
Look in the mirror. See how it shines after I cleaned it with water?
Look in the mirror. See how it reflects the moonlight!
Look in the mirror. What brightness is the sun.
Look at the mirror, it’s so dirty. When was the last time you cleaned it?
Look in the mirror. The reflection of the red table lamp makes it scary.
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Thomas Murphy
Thomas Murphy, B. A. Hons. History and Philosophy, University of Leeds (1985).
Replied on Sep 19, 2018 · The author has 1.7k replies and 538k replies
It depends entirely on the intent of the sentence.
Looking in the mirror is looking in the glass to see your reflection, looking in the mirror is looking at the object itself rather than using it.
I could say something like Look at the mirror there. It costs three times the price of it, but it’s not as attractive.
In this case, it is the mirror itself that is important to me, as opposed to Look in the mirror: you are not a very kind person.
In this case, I invite you to use the mirror to learn a truth about yourself (or just for yourself … (more)
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Barbara Becquiot
Barbara Becquiot, speaks English
Replied on 19 June 2018 · The author has 114 replies and 54,6k replies seen
If we look “in” the mirror, we examine our own reflection. Someone may suggest that we look at “a mirror” or “a selection of mirrors, for example with the intention of choosing which one to buy, and that we do not actually see ourselves” in “the mirror.
1,2k views · See 4 users maximum
Anthony Peter Swallow
Anthony Peter Swallow, former professor at the European School Brussels II
Answered on Oct. 17, 2019 · The author has 422 replies and 20,4k replies
Both are correct, but each has a different meaning.
Look in the mirror means that you are using the mirror for its main purpose (reflect your face).
Look at the mirror means you consider it a piece of furniture, like an object hanging on the wall. This implies that you fix your attention on the mirror frame, or somehow repair it.
101 views · See 1 voter · Reply requested by Marcus Campbell
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Teresa Pelka, M.A. ENGLISH PHILOLOGY and American English, Adam Mickiewicz University (2000)
Replied on Sep 19, 2018 · The author has 54 replies and 177.1 replies
We can use the lexical element “mirror” in a figure of speech. We can have words for lexical elements when the part of speech is not the focus.
We could say that someone reflects another person, that is, he reflects his behavior or even copies it. Then we would look at the person to whom we assigned a pseudo-mirror. “Mirror” can be a verb and a noun. We focus on the concept.
For example, I am developing a project of English-Polish direct translation. I named it “Grammar IN a Mirror”: texts in both languages say and say the same thing. (It happens that learners promote such presentations … (more)
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Surya Senthilkumar
Surya Senthilkumar
Replied on October 14, 2019
Both are correct but are used in different situations.
“Look in the mirror” is used to get someone to look at the content in the mirror (for example the reflection of your face).
However, the term “look at the mirror” is used to get someone to look at the characteristics of the mirror (mirror height, frame design, etc.) and not the elements reflected by the mirror.
67 views · Answered By Grayson Wingate
Ryleigh / Misty McCord
Ryleigh / Misty McCord, speaks English
Replied on October 16, 2019
If you want someone to look at their reflection, use “look in the mirror”.
if you want someone to look at a mirror, at a distance, or just anything that can be seen by themselves “from within” the mirror, then use “look at the mirror”
63 views · See 1 more votes · Answered by Erik Steenburgh
Emma Tomkins
Emma Tomkins, chemistry professor
Replied on September 28, 2019
Both are correct, but they have slightly different meanings.
Looking in the mirror means looking at your reflection (or possibly something else reflected in the mirror).
Looking at the mirror means actually looking at the mirror. (After my children brushed their teeth enthusiastically, “Look at the mirror, I just cleaned it this morning.”)
100 views · Response requested by Brandon Njichop
Barbara Brewer
Barbara Brewer
Replied on October 31, 2018
Both are OK /. It depends on the context. Look in the mirror is used when you look in the mirror or when you shave. Look at the mirror is used when looking to the mirror.
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