Dua When Insulted | Respond with Dignity and Faith

Dua When Someone Insults You In Arabic

رَبِّ احْكُم بِالْحَقِّ ۗ وَرَبُّنَا الرَّحْمَٰنُ الْمُسْتَعَانُ عَلَىٰ مَا تَصِفُونَ

Dua When Someone Insults You In English Transcription

Rabbi ohkum bilhaqqi wa rabbuna arrahmanul musta’aanu alaa ma tasifoon

Dua When Someone Insults You In English

My Lord, judge [between us] in truth. And our Lord is the Most Merciful, the one whose help is sought against that which you describe.

Surah Al-Anbiya – 21:112

How to be confident when someone insults you

Insults can be hurtful, especially when you do not know how to deal with them. Building and showing your trust after someone has insulted you is not always easy, but when you can do it, it shows that you control your thoughts and feelings. Practice building trust against an insult by showing your calm immediately afterwards, building your overall confidence in the long run and eliminating the recurring bullies in your life.

Face immediately
Image titled Be Confident When Someone Insults You Step 1
Take a deep breath. Designate a moment to refocus yourself by deep breathing and slowly exhaling. Divert your thoughts from external critics and come back to you. Close your eyes and focus on the breath slowly and steadily until you feel less overwhelmed. [1]
To keep your mind fresh, try breathing three times, hold your breath twice, and breathe three times. Repeat if necessary.
You may also want to find a place to sit or rest for a minute while you reconcentrate.
Image titled Be confident when someone insults you Step 2
Rate the insult. Take a moment to think critically about what the person said. Is it true? Is there a reason, such as a previous conflict, that this person might want to try to intentionally hurt your feelings? [2]
For those parts of the insult that you find true, acknowledge that it is acceptable to be flawed. Know that all people have defects and it is acceptable to evaluate and correct them.
For parts of the insult that you do not find true, remember that they are not factual and do not reflect you.
Tell yourself a personal truth to counter the insult. If, for example, someone says, “You are stupid”, remember professional or academic achievements such as graduation at the top of your class or getting a coveted promotion.

Avoid sending insults. It can be tempting to match one insult to another. In the end, whatever your goal, be it to finish a presentation or simply to have a good time with your friends or family, it is best to refuse to talk to people who have insulted you.
Remember that it is ultimately useless to insult someone in return.
Tell yourself, “The best way to upset this person is not to insult him in return, but to let him know that his words have no impact on me.” Try to beat her with kindness. The return of kindness for insults would sometimes make them realize their mistakes.
Image titled Be confident when someone insults you Step 4
Find calm. Do not be afraid to apologize for a moment or take a break and calm down to calm down. It is normal to react negatively to an insult, and your entourage will understand if you need a moment to pull yourself together. [3]
Take the time to practice deep breathing or repeat a positive quote or mantra.
Give yourself all the time you need to work healthy through tears or anger. Avoid exploding emotionally and give yourself time to calm your immediate feelings.

Ries-in. Laughter causes the release of endorphins, a group of hormones capable of stimulating happy or euphoric sensations. Take a moment to laugh at yourself and let the endorphins replace that feeling of panic with better feelings. [4]
Remember that no one is immune from insults or criticism. Even if you do not make fun of the insult, find a personal imperfection and allow yourself to laugh about it.
Try a “fake it” approach until you get there. Even if it does not seem funny, laugh at yourself in difficult times. In time, it will become more sincere.

Build long-term trust
Image titled Be confident when someone insults you Step 6
Learn to accept insults. You do not have to agree with what someone says, but learning to accept an insult takes more confidence than any other answer. This shows that if the insult comes from someone you care about, you are ready to take into account their argument. If it comes from someone who does not interest you, it shows that it does not affect you. [5]
Train yourself to accept insults by reviewing the criticisms you have received. Do you say something like, “You’re not that good.” Then train yourself to accept, saying, “You’re right, I’m not that good.
Repeat this exercise until you feel the sting of the insult disappear. It may disappear completely or not, but removing the initial shock will give you the presence of mind necessary to react when someone insults you.
Remember that this exercise is not about conceding their point. Instead, you develop the confidence to recognize their opinion while being strong enough not to let it dominate you.
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Planifiez votre amélioration personnelle. Prenez le temps de penser à vous et cherchez ce que vous considérez être vos faiblesses personnelles. Ne laissez pas l’insulte dicter ce que vous voyez en vous, mais identifiez certains points que vous souhaitez améliorer [6].

Faites une liste d’objectifs et d’actions pour vous aider à remédier à ces faiblesses. Par exemple, si vous pensez que vous n’êtes pas un bon orateur, vous pouvez par exemple participer à des conversations plus informelles, vous exercer devant un miroir ou même prendre un cours de conversation en public.

Quand quelqu’un vous insulte, rappelez-vous que vous prenez des mesures pour vous améliorer et qu’il n’y a aucune honte à être un travail en cours.

Choisissez de passer. C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire, mais l’un des meilleurs moyens de bâtir une confiance à long terme contre les insultes est de vous rappeler qu’une insulte n’est efficace que si vous le laissez faire mal. Si vous choisissez de surmonter rapidement l’insulte et de vous concentrer sur l’amélioration de soi ou sur les aspects déjà positifs de votre personnalité, l’insulte perd son pouvoir [7].

Entraînez-vous à remplir des phrases telles que “Cela n’a pas d’importance, car je suis __ “. Donnez-vous une raison, basée sur vos traits positifs, pour rejeter l’insulte.

Par exemple, si quelqu’un vous insulte en disant: “C’était une très mauvaise présentation”, faites-le-lui savoir, “Cela n’a pas d’importance, car j’ai soumis un excellent rapport sur ce projet.”

Comprenez que passer à autre chose peut prendre du temps. Pensez que vous pouvez rapidement rejeter les insultes en faveur de vos propres traits positifs plutôt que comme une solution immédiate.

4 Entourez-vous de bonnes personnes. Une façon de renforcer la confiance, mais aussi de minimiser les critiques inutiles consiste à vous entourer d’influences positives. Passez du temps sur les relations amicales, familiales et académiques que vous trouvez épanouissantes et abandonnez ceux que vous considérez comme un obstacle. [8]

Des relations positives vous aideront à développer votre confiance en vous en célébrant le succès dans votre vie et en vous poussant à faire des choses positives. Faites le point sur qui, dans votre vie, fait cela pour vous.

Regarde qui t’insulte. S’il s’agit d’un membre de la famille ou d’un ami, envisagez de rompre votre relation avec cette personne ou de la quitter. Dites-leur: “Vous me critiquez constamment et je ne veux pas de ce genre de force négative dans ma vie.”

Dealing With Repeated Bullies
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Ignore them. Most bullies are looking for attention. When they insult you and you get upset, you are doing exactly what they hope for. The bully of their power and their way of being safe and secure by simply ignoring what the bully says. [9]
If you do not know what are you talking about, what are you doing?
Be consistent. A bully may be repeating the insult, or being more verbally aggressive. Keep consistent and they can eventually leave the situation.
Put distance between you and the bully. Look at your bully whenever they insult you and simply walk away. Do this confidently, with your head held high, to show them that they do not care.
If they follow you, keep walking until they leave you.
Do not go out of your way to avoid your bully. You are allowed to go to school, work, or your personal life. Walk past your bully confidently to let the know that they do not dominate your actions.
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Let someone know. If you do not want to be aware of an aggression or physical aggression, do not be afraid to let an authority figure know. Involve someone who can help you moderate, or else help protect you from those threats. It is not a sign of weakness to seek help dealing with aggression. [10]
Consider talking to your teacher, your boss, or a counselor the moment a bully from insults to threats or physical aggression.
If you have a problem, report it to your office or campus security, or otherwise alert the police immediately. Call me soon enough and say, “I need help.”
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You do not have to feel confident on the inside to act confidant. When you know it, you can trust it, and you can do it.
Understand that there is a difference between constructive criticism and insults. Criticism can help you address problems in an area where you are otherwise strong, while an insult is primarily to hurt you.
If someone insults you, think before you speak – otherwise you may make the situation worse.


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