How many Rakats are in Islam? There are several movements called Rakat that can be found in every Salat. Rakats can be performed in any Salat, whether in a mosque or at your home. This article has provided all the information you need about Namaz Rakats. Let’s get on with the business.
How many Rakats
Muslims use Namaz as a form of worship.
This is also known by the names Salat and Salah.
Salah is a kind of prayer that allows you to speak with Allah.
It protects one from sins and evil deeds.
In a hadith, our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. stated that:
“Salat is the key to heaven.”
Allah has granted Muslims five times daily prayers.
Muslims must pray regularly, connect with Allah, and guard themselves against the misguidance of shaitan.
Muslims must pray five times per day, or they will be condemned on the day that judgment comes.
What are the five daily prayers for Muslims?
Before know How many Rakats in prays, These are the five daily prayers:
- Fajr – prayed at dawn
- Dhuhr – prayed at noon
- Asr – in the afternoon
- Maghrib – sunset
- Isha – prayed at night
It is mandatory to pray the five prayers daily at the appointed times.
Depending on where you live, the times for each prayer may vary.
Every prayer has a different number of Rakats.
- 2 Rakat Sunnah, 2 Rakat Fardh for Fajr
- Dhuhr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, and then 4 Rakat Fardh. Then 2 Rakat Sunnah and then 2 Rakat Nafl.
- Asr: 4 Rakat Sunnah, 4 Rakat Fardh
- 3 Rakat Fardh, 2 Rakat Sunnah, 2 Rakat Nafl in Maghrib.
- Isha: 4 Rakat Sunnah then 4 Rakat Fardh then 2 Rakat Sunnah then 2 Rakat Nafl then 3 Rakat Witr Wajib then 2 Rakat Nafl
How many Rakats are in each prayer

How many rakats in fajr
The Salat’s timings are from dawn to just before sunset.
It is a four Rakat prayer with two Rakat each.
- Sunnat Mokadda is the name given to the first two Rakats.
- Fard is the name given to the two remaining Rakats.
It is not easy to get up at such an early hour, but it is possible.
If you wake up, your day will be more energetic and joyful, for Allah’s sake.
According to Muslim Bukhari, there is a hadith that says:
“Whoever offers the Fajr prayer, Allah will protect him throughout the day.”
It will save you from the hellfire, so make sure to offer your Fajr prayer every day.
Allah blesses them all day long and protects them against any unforeseen circumstances.
Fajr prayer should be offered daily and not be skipped.
Fajr Salat is believed to increase Rizq.
How many rakats in zuhr
The timings of this Salat begin when the sun passes the median point in the sky.
It consists of 12 Rakats prayers.
- The first four Rakats are performed in Sunnat Mokadda.
- The following four Rakats can be performed as Fard.
- These Rakats will be performed again as Sunnat Mkadda.
- Two Rakats naval. ‘Nafal Namaz can be optional, but it is a beneficiary.’
This Salat includes 12 Rakats Namaz. You can also offer other nawafils after Namaz.
It is mentioned in a hadith about the importance and significance of this Namaz.
“During the Zuhar Salat’s time, the gates of heaven get opened.”
It is vital to pray Zuhar’s Prayer and do good deeds at this time.
Allah Almighty bestows his blessings upon those who perform this Salat until Asar’s Prayer.
Zuhar’s Slat is a regular practice that will ensure your protection from the fires of hell when you are judged.
For those who miss any prayer, there is no reward for him.
How many rakats in Asr
The timings of this Salat are halfway between noon and sunset. It’s an eight Rakats prayer.
- The first four Rakats are performed in Sunnat Non-Mookadda.
- Fard is the name of the other four Rakats.
- The Asar’s prayer begins in the afternoon after Zuhar’s Salat.
- The prayer includes eight Rakats, four Rakat Sunnat (not-Mokadda), and four Rakat fard.
Non-Mokadda Rakats mean that you can’t sin by not offering them, but they are rewarding if you do.
It is said in a hadith that: “Whoever offers Fajr and Asar prayer will enter Jannah.”
The Salat opens up the gates of heaven and protects those who do it.
According to many hadiths, this Salat plays a crucial role in the success and happiness of Muslims.
Asar’s prayer will give you and your family a healthy and prosperous life.
Offering Asar prayer regularly increases your wealth, Rizq, and financial security.
How many rakats in Maghrib
The Salat begins just after sunset. It’s a seven Rakats prayer.
- Fard is the first three Rakats.
- The two remaining Rakats can be performed as Sunnat Mukkada.
- Two Rakats Nafal. ‘Nafal Namaz can be optional, but it is a beneficiary.’
The Maghrib Namaz’s time begins immediately after sunset.
However, it must be offered before it gets dark outside.
It’s a seven Rakats Salat.
In Quran and hadiths, Maghrib prayer is given a lot of importance.
Sahi Bukhari, a hadith that says: “He who missed Maghrib prayer will be punished in this world and hereafter.”
Maghrib Namaz is essential because Allah offers his many blessings to those who provide them and takes away the benefits from those who don’t.
The person who doesn’t offer Maghrib prayer will not be forgiven hereafter and in the next world.
His dual will also not be accepted.
How many rakats in Isha
The Salat’s timings are from dark outside until Fajr’s prayer. It is a 17 Rakats prayer.
- The first four Rakats are performed in Sunnat Mokadda.
- The following four Rakats can be performed as Fard.
- These Rakats can be performed again as Sunnat Mkadda.
- Two Rakats nafal. ‘Nafal Namaz can be optional, but it is a beneficiary.’
- As Wajib-ul-winter, three Rakats were performed.
- Two Rakats Nafal are again required. ‘Nafal Namaz can be optional, but it is beneficiary.’
Isha’s prayer marks the end of the day.
This prayer begins when shy becomes dark after the Maghrib prayer until Fajr. This Salat is made up of 17 Rakats.
The one who prays this prayer will be blessed until morning, and Allah will provide protection angles for the person up to Fajr Namaz. This prayer should be performed before you go to sleep.
These are the five obligatory prayers that Muslims should always perform in all cases.
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