imam Ali quotes

The Most Inspiring imam Ali quotes

After the death of Prophet Muhammad, imam Ali quotes was appointed as the third leader of Muslims. He led them to military victory in a crucial battle against the Umayyad ruler. His contemporaries and generations acknowledged his faith, courage, and leadership after him. Today, many people searching for guidance from a spiritual or religious perspective turn to his words for inspiration.

Here are some imam Ali quotes that have significantly impacted humanity throughout history.

imam Ali

Only Imam ‘Ali exerted such a profound and long-lasting impact on the development of Islamic ideas, culture, and spirituality throughout the early stages of Islam. For medieval Muslims, one of the most striking aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s legacy is the wide variety of fields he is said to have anticipated via Imam ‘Ali, from exegesis to calligraphy and numerology, from law and mysticism to grammar and eloquence.

Only Imam ‘Ali exerted such a profound and long-lasting impact on the development of Islamic ideas, culture, and spirituality throughout the early stages of Islam. For medieval Muslims, one of the most striking aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s legacy is the wide variety of fields he is said to have anticipated via Imam ‘Ali, from exegesis to calligraphy and numerology, from law and mysticism to grammar and eloquence.

imam Ali as a companion of Prophet Muhammad

Ali was around five years old when he was taken into the Prophet Muhammad’s home, and he remained with him throughout his life as a companion of the Prophet. He was one of the first to affirm the Prophet’s mission, even though he was just a little boy. The accounts of Imam ‘Ali’s bravery and might at the battle of Khaybar in 629 CE took on legendary proportions thanks to the Muslim migration to Medina (al-hijra) of six years earlier (al-Qa’dah), made him the most notable of the early Muslim warriors. One of the Qur’anic verses, which were still being revealed, was penned by him.

imam Ali quotes
imam Ali quotes

Ali ibn Abi Talib as caliph,

Due to the early Muslim civil conflicts, the caliphate of ‘Ali was short-lived. At Jamal (656 CE), he faced Talha, Zubayr, and ‘A’isha (one of the Prophet’s wives), as well as Muawiya (657 CE), as well as the “Seceders” at Siffin (658 CE) and Nahrawan (658 CE) (Kharijites; those who seceded from his ranks). The first and last fights were won, while the second ended in a deadlock and an effort at mediation. A Kharijite assaulted him during morning prayers at the Kufa congregational mosque on January 28th, 661 CE, and he died two days later from his wounds. After this failed attempt, Imam Ali rallied his men to resume the struggle against Mu’awiya.

imam Ali quotes

Get to know the right; then you would see the request people. Right Is not measured by its men, but men are measured by their right.”

― Ali Bin Abi Thalib

“O Alaah, i haven’t worshiped you because of lusting of heaven or fearing of hill. I’ve worshiped you because you deserve to be worshiped.”

― Ali Bin Abi Thalib

“Love is an illness which doesn’t have good nor recompense.”

― Ali Bin Abi Thalib

“Justice is better than courage as if everyone is fair to others, then there will be no need for courage.”

― Imam Ali

“The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge.”

― Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib

imam ali quotes in hindi


किसी ने हजरत अली से पुछा. दोस्त और भाई में क्या फर्क है.? हजरत अली ने फरमाया “भाई सोना है और दोस्त हीरा है” उस आदमी ने कहा “आप ने भाई को कम कीमतऔर दोस्त को ज्यादा कीमती चीज़ से क्यू तशबीह दी “? तो हजरत अली ने फरमाया “सोनेमें दरार आ जाये तोउस को पिघला कर बिलकुल पहले जैसा बनाया जा सकता है. जब की हीरे में एक दरार भी आ जाये तो वोकभी भी पहले जैसा नही बन सकता.

Quote 2 In Hindi : नमाज़ की फ़िक्र अपने ऊपर फ़र्ज़ करलो..!! खुदा की

कसम दुनिया की फ़िक्र से आज़ाद हो जाओगे,और क़ामयाबी तुम्हारे क़दम चूमेंगी… ( हज़रत अली रदियल्लाहु ता आला अन्हू )

Quote 3 In Hindi : नेक लोगों की सोहबत से हमेशा भलाई ही मिलती हे

क्यों के..हवा जब फूलो से गुज़रती हे तो वो भी खुश्बुदार हो जाती हे…! हज़रत अली रदी अल्लाहो ता आला अन्हो Radi allaho anhu

Quote 4 In Hindi : “अपने जिस्म को ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा न सवारों,क्योंकि

इसे तो मिट्टी में मिल जाना है,सवॉरना है तो अपनी रूह को सवॉरों क्योंकि इसे तुम्हारे रब के पास जाना है” हज़रत अली रदी अल्लाहो ता आला अन्हो

imam ali quotes on life

Get to know the right; then you would see the request people. Right Is not measured by its men, but men are measured by their right.

mam Ali Quotes in English

O Allaah, I haven’t worshiped you because of lusting of heaven or fearing of the hill. On the contrary, I’ve adored you because you deserve to be honored.

Two kinds of greedy people never get satisfied; the seeker of knowledge and the seeker of this world.

He who has a thousand friends has no friend to spare, And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.

There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.

Please do not raise your children the way [you’re] parents raised you; they were born for a different time.

Suppose all the women worldwide have been permitted to be married to only one man, except one woman. He’d love to marry that woman. That is the imprint of man.

The learned man understands the ignorant, for he was once unaware himself. On the other hand, the innocent man does not understand the intellectual, for he has never been learned himself.


We discussed imam Ali quotes.Ali ibn Abi Talib was a renowned Islamic fourth caliph who ruled from 656 to 661. He was the son-in-law and cousin of Prophet Muhammad. He is one of the most distinguished figures in Shia Islam and is considered a bona fide immediate successor to Muhammad as an Imam by them. Born at the holiest place in Islam, Kaaba, Mecca, Ali was the foremost male who accepted Islam under Muhammad’s guidance. Ali is important to both Sunnis and Shias, spiritually and politically. We have created a corpus of quotable and notable quotes and sayings by Ali ibn Abi Talib which have been excerpted from the vast sea of his works, thoughts, and lif.

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