Is Obama Muslim While serving as president, a black guy with a Kenyan father who had his middle name changed to Hussein and spent most of his upbringing in Indonesia controlled the United States. Nearly a third of Americans believed he was a Muslim during this entire time. Instead of being a source of anxiety, this really makes me happy.
The fact that Barack Obama is black, that his middle name is Arabic, and that he may be a Muslim did not discourage American people from electing him to the position of second-in-command in the country. (The top spot will always go to Oprah.) As a result, millions of Americans cast their ballots for a guy largely assumed to be Muslim.
Is Obama Muslim?
For millions of youngsters, like myself, Obama’s attributes have made him a lasting icon and a light of hope. It was our “ethnic otherness” that made us worry whether or not America would ever accept us as anything more than a token minority, the “best ethnic buddy,” or the “best ethnic friend,” and instead urges us to take center stage and enjoy the spotlight.
Is Obama Muslim? Not a Muslim
wanted to aid their neighbors in need, regardless of their appearance, background, or religious affiliation. I initially sensed God’s presence calling to me on those streets and in those areas. I was drawn to a greater calling there – one that was aligned with God’s plan for my life.
In addition, Obama has spoken about his religion at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast every year since he was inaugurated.
All of this is “nagged” him when his opponent in the Illinois Senate campaign, Alan Keyes, indicated that Obama wasn’t a “real Christian,” Obama said in a 2006 address.
The New York Times published a piece shortly after Obama launched his presidential candidacy in 2007 outlining how the Kenyan-born son of a Muslim father converted to Christianity while visiting a Chicago church.
In February 2009, two weeks after being inaugurated in as president, Obama shared his personal experience of conversion with those in attendance at the National Prayer Breakfast.
On February 5, 2009, President Obama made the following statement: My upbringing was not extremely religious. While my paternal grandparents were devout Methodists and Baptists and my paternal father was raised as a Muslim, I was raised by an atheist mother who was the nicest, most spiritual person I’ve ever met. She was the one who instilled in me the values of kindness, compassion, and empathy when I was a kid.

After graduation, I went to the South Side of Chicago, where I eventually became a Christian. It didn’t happen because I was indoctrinated or had a revelation, but because I worked with church members who has done little to change the minds of people who believe Obama is not only a Muslim but also a non-Christian. “Hussein” really is his middle name, after all.
Over 17 million people have seen the video “Obama Admits He Is A Muslim” on YouTube since it was posted in April 2009. In reality, it’s a hoax concocted using deceptive editing.
The phrase “I am one of them” does not suggest that Obama is a Muslim. As someone who has Muslim relatives or has lived in a country with a substantial Muslim population, he was comparing himself to others. The terms “I’m a Christian” and “my Christian faith” are occasionally edited out of Obama’s comments.
A viral email claiming that Obama attended a radical “Wahabi” school in Indonesia was bogus. According to an Insight Magazine piece published in 2007, “Obama has not been transparent about his Muslim origins and was schooled in a Madrasa as a young lad.” Hardi Priyono, the deputy headmaster, was questioned by CNN and stated, “This is a public school. “Religion isn’t something we focus on.”
It was also alleged in the same email that Obama was sworn in as a senator from the United States using the Koran. Wrong. In 2005, at the time of his swearing-in, Obama reportedly resorted to reading from his own Bible. An open Koran was utilized by Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison for his 2007 swearing-in ceremony.
Why is it that so many people believe Obama is a member of the Islamic faith?
President Obama has stated that he is a follower of Jesus Christ. Many times, he’s shared his experiences of worshipping God at Christian churches and praying with Christian preachers. He’s also talked of kneeling before a cross and experiencing God’s presence.
Many Americans continue to claim that he’s a Muslim despite the lack of evidence to the contrary.
According to the Pew Research Center, 18% of Americans now believe Obama is a Muslim, up from 11% in March of last year. Even more — 24% — claimed he was a Muslim in a Time magazine survey conducted last week.
There are some interesting trends and underlying causes to be found when you go further into these surveys. The number of Americans who believe Obama is a Muslim rises dramatically among those who have the biggest disapproval for the Democratic president and his policies. Surveys show that individuals may hold their opinions about his religion to be an attempt to associate him with another faith they find objectionable.
It has been observed that persons who are extremely partisan are less likely to change their thoughts in the face of factually true data that contradicts the beliefs they have held for a long time.
“I don’t know who he really is,” Nyhan stated, while referring to Obama as a Muslim. In part, “people are just down on Obama and attach themselves to any label that is viewed as unfavorable,” he says.
Obama not a Muslim: further confirmation
According to PolitiFact, a non-partisan fact-checking organization, Obama’s religious beliefs have been thoroughly debunked, including claims in email chain messages that he attended an extremist Islamic school, that his political rise parallels the biblical story of the Antichrist, and that he pledged his allegiance to the United States Senate on a Koran’s pages. This is our lowest rating, Pants on Fire for each of them.
In addition, our fact-checking revealed that President Obama is a practicing Christian. There is no evidence that Obama was reared in a specific religious tradition. During his time as a Chicago neighborhood activist in his early twenties, he converted to Christianity. They impressed Obama because of their devotion to social justice and the hope they provided for the underprivileged.
Obama’s church attendance and religious practices have been reported by a number of third-party sources. “When he was running for the Senate in 2004, Obama always brought his Christian Bible with him. The little compartment in the SUV’s passenger side door was the perfect spot for him to keep it close at hand “Barack Obama: From Promise to Power by journalist David Mendell
As soon as he finished the election campaign, Barack Obama announced, “I’m going to pick a new church.” Obama, on the other hand, has not been a regular attendee of any church since becoming an office. As a substitute, he has attended services at the Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, and St. John’s Episcopal Church in the greater Washington, DC, area. region. He’s also been to the president’s retreat at Camp David for religious services.