In Arabic, the word “janazah” means “to complete.” It is a word that refers to carrying out the absolute rights of a deceased person. In Islam, if a person dies without an imam or other qualified Muslim individual performing their ritual janazah prayers, it becomes necessary for a family member to carry out religious duties. With this in mind, it’s essential to know what janazah is and what it does so you can understand how it affects your life. Read on to learn more about this Islamic rite.
what is Janazah
A Janazah prayer is a ceremonial prayer for the deceased. The prayers performed during this time are intended to help ease the pain of death and console those left behind.
Janazah is a particular religious practice that takes place when someone dies. It is the last act that a person performs before entering the afterlife. If a person dies without an imam or other qualified Muslim individual performing their ritual janazah prayers, it becomes necessary for a family member to carry out religious duties.
The primary purpose of janazah is to ensure that the deceased is accorded with respect and honor in death. It also serves as a symbolic closure of the person’s life after their time on earth has passed and prepares them for the next life. This rite also provides comfort for those left behind, who have to face their loss without guidance, support, or help from anyone else. When you perform this rite for your loved one who has died, you help ease this burden by providing acceptance and closure so that your loved ones can move on from their earthly existence with peace in their heart.
Forgive us all, Allah, for the living and the dead, the young and the elderly, the sexes and the genders. Allah, whoever you give life to among us, give him life in Islam, and anyone you take away from us, take him away from us in Faith.” Allow them to receive their due and do not lead us wrong in their pursuit of it, O Allah.
Save [insert name here] from the torment of the dead and the punishment of the Fire, O Allah! He is undoubtedly under Your protection and in Your security rope. Therefore, forgive him and pity him because you keep your promises and provide rights. In all likelihood, You are the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful of all Beings.
The best dua for the deceased as in Arabic
“Allahumma ighfir lihayyina wa mayyitina wa shahidina wa ghaibina wa saghirina wa kabirina wa dhakarina wa unthana. Allaahumma man ahyaytahu minna fa ahyihi ‘ala’l-Islam wa man tawaffaytahu minna fa tawaffahu ‘ala’l-iman. Allahumma ighfir lahu warhamhu wa ‘afihi wa a’fu ‘anhu, wa akrim nuzulahu wa wassi’ madkhalahu waghsilhu bi’l-ma wa’l-thalj wa’l-barad, wa naqqihi min al-khataya kama yunaqqa al-thawb al-abyad min al-danas. Allahumma abdilhu daran khayran min darihi wa ahlan khayran min ahlihi. Allahumma adkhilhu al-jannah wa a’idhhu min ‘adhab il-qabri wa min ‘adhab il-nar wa afsah lahu fi qabrihi wa nawwir lahu fihi. Allahumma la tahrimna ajrahu wa la tadillana ba’dahu

how to pray janazah step by step
Takbeer (‘Allahu Akbar’) lifts both hands to earlobe level and then lays the right hand over the left. As a first step, we declare our purpose (niyyah) in our minds or out loud: The takbir “Allahu Akbar” is said as part of the “Salat to Allah” and “Pray to the Dead” rituals.
Takbeer two, please. If you don’t want to touch them, don’t. Both options are acceptable. The imam brings these take beers out in the open, while the audience gets them in secret. Then, there is the recitation of the duas of Allah-umma Salli and Allah-umma barik.
Takbeer number three! You may leave your hands where they are. Both options are acceptable. It is possible for those unfamiliar with the Janazah dua to pray to the dead by reading the verses that follow, known as Qunoot Duas or Surah Al Fatiha for those who do not know the Janazah dua.
Take a breather after saying “fourth Takbeer.” “Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah” is the final Tasleem to the right. Then, as in ordinary prayer, it’s OK to do it on both sides.
how to pray salatul janazah hanafi
The Importance of Janazah
Janazah is a particular religious practice that takes place when someone dies. It is the last act that a person performs before entering the afterlife. If a person dies without an imam or other qualified Muslim individual performing their ritual janazah prayers, it becomes necessary for a family member to carry out religious duties.
The primary purpose of janazah is to ensure that the deceased is accorded with respect and honor in death. It also serves as a symbolic closure of the person’s life after their time on earth has passed and prepares them for the next life. This rite also provides comfort for those left behind, who have to face their loss without guidance, support, or help from anyone else. When you perform this rite for your loved one who has died, you help ease this burden by providing acceptance and closure so that your loved ones can move on from their earthly existence with peace in their heart.