The Quran describes “Jannah meaning,” also known as paradise or garden in Islam, as an endless afterlife of peace and happiness in which the devout and pious are rewarded. According to the Quran, the righteous shall find peace in the presence of God in “gardens under which rivers flow,” The name “Jannah” is derived from an Arabic word that means “to cover or conceal.” As a result, heaven is a location that we cannot see. For pious and loyal Muslims, Jannah meaning is the final destination in the afterlife.
Jannah features eight gates or doors through which Muslims can enter after their resurrection on the Day of Judgment and various levels where good Muslims can dwell and interact with angels and prophets.
Jannah meaning
jannah meaning is paradise, a garden of perpetual happiness, and a place of serenity, according to the Quran. When people die, Allah decides when they will die, and they will remain in their graves until the Day of Judgment when they will be resurrected and brought before Allah to be assessed on how well they conducted their lives on earth.
They go to one of the levels of heaven if they have lived a good life; if not, they go to hell (Jahannam).
“A lovely location of final return—a garden of eternity whose doors will always be open to them,” says Jannah. (38:49–50 in the Quran)
“Praise is to Allah who has erased from us [all] suffering, because our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, grateful; who has installed us in the house of lasting residency out of His favor,” those who join Jannah will exclaim.
We won’t be touched by toil or exhaustion there.’ 35:34–35 (Quran)
“There are rivers of water in Jannah” that “never change their taste or smell.” Rivers of milk with the same flavor. There will be rivers of excellent wine and clear, pure honey for those who drink from them. Every sort of fruit will come to them, and their Lord will forgive them.” 47:15 of the Quran.
For Muslims, how does heaven appear?
According to the Quran, jannah is a peaceful, beautiful realm where Muslims are never asked to leave and where injury and fatigue do not exist. Muslims sit on high thrones in paradise while wearing gold, pearls, diamonds, and exquisite silk clothing.
There is no pain, sadness, or death in jannah meaning; only joy, happiness, and pleasure there. Allah promises the righteous this paradise garden, where the trees are free of thorns, flowers and fruits are piled high, clean and refreshing water runs continuously, and companions have huge, lovely, lustrous eyes.
In Jannah, there are no quarrels or intoxication. There are four rivers named Saihan, Jaihan, Furat, and Nil and vast musk-scented mountains and pearl-and-ruby-encrusted valleys.
The Jannah’s Eight Gates

Muslims must commit noble deeds, be truthful, and seek knowledge to enter one of the eight doors of jannah meaning in Islam.
Be truthful, seek knowledge, fear the Most Merciful, visit the mosque every morning and afternoon, be free of arrogance, war spoils, and debt, repeat the call to prayer indeed and from the heart, construct a mosque, repent, and raise righteous offspring. The eight gates are as follows:
- Baab As-Salaat: Those who were punctual in their prayer and concentrated on it.
- Baab Al-Jihad: For those who gave their lives in the name of Islam (jihad)
- Baab As-Sadaqah: For people who give to charity regularly.
- Those who fasted during and after Ramadan are known as Baab Ar-Rayyan.
- Baab Al-Hajj: Mecca’s yearly pilgrimage for those who took part in the Hajj.
- Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas: Baab Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas: Those who can contain or suppress their wrath while forgiving others.
- Baab Al-Iman: Those who had true faith and confidence in Allah and worked hard to obey his directives.
- Baab Al-Dhikr: For those who remembered God with zeal.
Jannah’s Different Levels
Experts in tafsir (commentary) and hadith argue the number, sequence, and character of the numerous levels of heaven. Some argue that the meaning of Jannah has 100 levels, while others claim that the number of levels is unlimited, and yet others claim that the number of levels is equal to the number of verses in the Quran (6,236).
“The combatants in Allah’s cause have one hundred grades in Paradise, and the distance between each of the two grades is the same as the distance between the heavens and the earth. So, when you pray to Allah, ask for Al Firdaus, the best and highest level of Paradise.” (Muhammad al-Bukhari, a Hadith scholar)
Ibn Masud, a frequent contributor to the Sunnah Muakada website, has compiled the commentary of many hadith scholars and created an eight-level hierarchy, listed below, from the lowest level of heaven (Mawa) to the highest (Firdous).
- Jannatul Mawa: A haven for the martyrs, a place to seek sanctuary.
- Darul Maqaam: The most crucial spot, the safest place, where there is no fatigue.
- Darul Salaam: The abode of peace and safety, where all negative and harmful speech is forbidden and open to those Allah wills to follow the right path.
- Darul Khuld: The everlasting, eternal home, which is open to people who protect themselves from evil.
- The Garden of Eden is known as Jannat-ul-Adan.
- Jannat-ul-Naeem: A place where one can spend a happy and tranquil life surrounded by wealth, prosperity, and blessings.
- Jannat-ul-Kasif: The Revealer’s Garden
- Jannat-ul-Firdous: A wide space with a trellised garden of grapevines and other fruits and vegetables, open to people who have believed and performed good actions.

Although not every Islamic scholar believes the account, according to Ibn-(702–768 Ishaq’s C.E.) biography of Muhammad, Muhammad visited Allah. At the same time, he was alive by going through each of the seven levels of heaven with the angel Gabriel. A ladder was brought to Muhammad when he was in Jerusalem, and he climbed it until he reached the first gate of heaven. “Has he got a mission?” the gatekeeper inquired, to which Gabriel replied affirmatively. The same question is posed at each level; Gabriel always says yes, and Muhammad meets and greets the prophets who live there.
Each of the seven heavens is thought to be made up of different materials and has its characteristics.
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