learn how to read Quranic Arabic is really important because our prophet said: “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn and teach the Qur’an” [Sahih Bukhari]
The book of Allah is the best source of guidance for this world and the next. As Muslim parents, we want our children to be most successful in the afterlife, and arguably one of the best ways to connect our children to the deen is to connect them to the Book of Allah.
Teaching children to learn how to read Quranic Arabic is a task that every Muslim parent commits. There has been a lot of research by reading specialists on how to help children learn to decode the English language easily. By keeping the same rules in mind that I use as a repairing tutor for dyslexia, here are some suggestions to help you teach your child how to master the art of decoding the Arabic text of the Quran:
Learn how to read Quranic Arabic
Informally, you can start teaching the Quran and Arabic when the baby has only 4 months in the womb! It is at this moment that the fetus develops its sense of hearing, and to play the Quran for the baby will familiarize the baby with the Koran. Research suggests that babies who hear music in the womb recognize it as well after birth. Let the melody of the Quran be that which reminds your baby of the comfort of the uterus. Lull your baby to sleep while reciting the Quran, and also during breastfeeding to create positive associations with the sound of the words of Allah.
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Establish the concept of reading
Formally, each child differs in its ability to decode the written text. Your children will already be familiar with the Quran through the conscious hearing training that you have done by playing the Quran for them. Keep doing this with your children, but as they get older, place them on your knees and let them follow the text you recite with their fingers. This indirectly creates the understanding that what you are reciting is composed of separate words and that these words can be expressed both in printed symbols.
Preparing for Reading
Preparation for reading has been defined as the point where a person is ready to learn to read and the time that a person goes from being a non-reader to the reader. As your child grows, it’s time to look out for the signs of readiness to measure when introducing the actual teaching of the alphabets. Generally, children can start recognizing the alphabets at the age of 4, and you can slowly start introducing the different Arabic letters. If your child retains the symbol and sound over the next few days, enter a new letter. However, if your child is unable to do so, do not get impatient and give him a little more time.
Learn how to read Quranic Arabic steps:
1- Multi-Sensory Teaching
When you feel that your child is able to recognize the alphabets and keep letter-sound correspondence, you can start actively teaching the Qur’anic alphabet using multisensory means. For example, making sandpaper Arabic letters for tactile tracing is a great idea. You can make the letters in their full form, and the half-form of the letter acquires when joining with other letters. Another idea is to make flash cards objects that start with this sound. If you want to teach Arabic at the same time, use corresponding Arabic vocabulary objects (like Jamal (camel) for the Jeem letter). However, if this is something you can not do, make flashcards of the objects in the child’s mother tongue to serve as a visual cue to remember the sound of the letter. Arabic letter inserts puzzles are widely available and can also be used. Make fun worksheets to color, cut and paste, or mazes can add to the fun as well. Also, make fun games like memory game or a snap with vocabulary and letter cards to strengthen as well.
2- Use of Qaida
The basic Qaida widely available in the market are an excellent base to use for planning lessons. However, keeping in mind your child’s learning style (visual, auditory or kinesthetic) and then come up with ideas to make learning fun and interesting.
3- Activity-based learning
Do not do your lessons entirely based on flashcards and worksheets. Integrate different role-playing games (such as pretending to be a certain letter and eating only food), play in the open air (like treasure hunt for different sounds), cooking (such as making shape cookies Of alphabet) and sensorial play (such as tracing in sand, salt or shaving cream) to encourage sound learning.
4-Teaching Mixing and Reading
As you move to mix the letters with the Harakat (fatha, kasra, and Damma), do not forget to incorporate similar multi-sensory activities. You can even play the games of all the letters that make the sound “aa” (ie those with fatha) go into a pile and those around you lips (those with Damma) go into one.
Incorporate all three types of courses
Reading is of three types: one that is made for fluidity, one that is made for precision and that is made for fun. Increase your child’s fluency by revising what he already knows, and by letting him repeat that to create feelings of success. In the same lesson, give something that is a challenge that the child must focus on to create precision in decoding skills. At the end of each lesson, recite a Quran or play his favorite Qari as the lesson ends on a pleasant note.
Play games
If your child is not reactive, postpone the lesson and do something more fun. Perhaps a game like “Who is the Qari?” Where the child guesses which Qirat you play.
Use various study skills
If your child has difficulties with a certain party, use the highlighters to mark tips for different tajweed rules. You can also make flashcards with the child’s words and confectionery with a flash card exercise. Since all conferences eventually become reading the view, the instant card exercises can be a great tool to help with instant recognition to appear similar words.
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