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How to Learn the Quran Fast and Easy?

The question of how to quickly learn the Holy Quran is often raised by the parents of the students and they expect to be as soon as possible. Learning the Quran needs the basics of the Tajweed first. By learning Noorani Qaida, you will be able to read the Quran quickly and fluently InshaAllah


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Fast learning means giving more time to learn the Holy Quran.
If you want to read or learn the Quran quickly, you need to give more time to learn as much as you can. Here are some things to do to help you learn the Quran quickly ASAP:

How to learn Quran fast?

1- Take the basic course of Qaida Noorani.

2- Take a 4-day learning plan with The Quran Courses Academy tutors.

3- Practice your lessons every day and get ready to become familiar with the concepts and exercises of the lesson.

4- Listen to the teacher’s recordings that you will get from The Quran Courses Academy for each class.

In this way, your learning process will last up to 6 months. May Allah make learning the holy Quran so easy for you. Ameen.

How to Learn the Quran Fast and Easy

Learning the Quran is an important goal for many Muslims. As the central religious text of Islam, studying and understanding the Quran allows Muslims to strengthen their faith, implement Allah’s guidance in their lives, and feel closer to Him. However, with busy schedules, it can be challenging to find the time and discipline needed to learn the Quran quickly.

In this guide, you’ll discover practical strategies and tips to accelerate your Quran learning journey and embrace the words of Allah more deeply. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve, incorporating these methods can help you learn the Quran fast and easily.

Clear Your Mind and Prepare Your Learning Environment

To learn the Quran efficiently, the first step is getting your mind and environment ready.

Set aside dedicated time in your schedule only for Quran study. Give it your full focus and avoid distractions during these sessions. Treat it like an important meeting or appointment.

Choose a clean, quiet, and distraction-free space to do your Quran lessons. Inform family and friends not to disturb you during this time. Turn off unneeded devices and apps.

Ensure your devices are charged and any required apps are installed beforehand. This prevents wasting lesson time troubleshooting technical issues.

Setting up an intentional learning environment removes obstacles that can slow down your progress.

Start with the Basics

Especially if Arabic or Quran recitation is new for you, it’s important to start with the fundamentals. Attempting advanced techniques too early can be frustrating.

Learn the Arabic alphabet, if needed. Be patient and take it step-by-step. Master the shapes, sounds and vowel marks.

Study key vocabulary and grammar principles. Grasp concepts like masculine, feminine, singular, plural and root words. Resources like the Qaida book explain these clearly.

Use the Qaida book to learn proper pronunciation of individual letters and letter combinations. Listen to recordings for reference. Accurate pronunciation will make recitation easier.

Building this base equips you with the tools to then apply when reading and understanding Quranic Arabic.

Read, Recite and Repeat

Regular and consistent practice is key to learning the Quran quickly. Set incremental recitation goals each day.

Read passages of Quran multiple times aloud, focusing on accuracy. Pay attention to rules you may have learned around tajweed.

Repeat particularly difficult words or verses. Break them down into manageable chunks. Refer to resources or recordings as needed.

Once comfortable, recite entire chapters fluidly applying proper pronunciation rules. Record and listen back to yourself. Identify areas needing improvement.

Reading, reciting out loud, and repeating verses instills them in your long-term memory. Be patient with yourself in this process.

Follow Tajweed Rules

Applying proper tajweed rules prevents common recitation mistakes. Tajweed governs how Arabic letters should be pronounced in sequence to make Quran recitation melodious.

Study tajweed guides to understand characteristics of each Arabic letter: innate qualities, merging rules etc. Ask your instructor to demonstrate.

Learn rules like idgham (merging letters), ghunnah (nasal sound), madd (elongation) etc. and how to articulate them. For example, prolong madd letters for the specified counts.

Practice applying rules slowly. Over time and with feedback, it will become second nature during recitation. Correct application brings fluency.

Tajweed transforms recitation of Quran from mere reading into a beautiful art. Refining tajweed skills can accelerate overall learning.

Supplement with Technology

Technology and interactive platforms make independent Quran learning more engaging today. Under guidance, it can significantly boost learning.

Use apps like audio recordings to listen to Quran verses or chapters repeatedly. Hearing professional reciters helps internalize proper pronunciation.

View online tajweed tutorials to visually see correct tongue and mouth placement for certain rules. Videos bridge gaps teaching only through books.

Find Quran games or quizzes to make revision interactive. Retaining information improves when learned enjoyably.

Access Quran translations and transliterations online through websites and mobile apps for on-the-go learning.

Leverage technology appropriately to supplement your Quran learning. But ensure it meets quality standards.

Work with a Qualified Instructor

Connecting with an experienced Quran teacher can provide the motivation and feedback needed to advance quickly.

One-on-one online sessions allow personalized guidance based on your exact learning needs and pace. Lessons can adapt accordingly.

Instructors identify areas for growth through listening to your recitation or checking revisions. Their specialized input keeps your learning on track.

Receive answers to questions in real time from experts versus finding information online. Personal interaction builds understanding faster.

Working with instructors, especially native Arabic speakers trained in Quranic studies accelerates learning through tailored support.

Set Goals and Track Progress

Setting Quran learning goals and tracking progress is instrumental to staying consistent and organized.

Break larger goals like memorizing a chapter into smaller sections. Memorize a few verses daily instead of a whole page at once.

Maintain a journal to log accomplishments like lessons completed, new surahs memorized, vocabulary learned etc. Journals reveal progress over time.

Take periodic assessments with your instructor, for example, every month. Redo assessments to gauge your retention and improvements in recitation or memorization.

Review recordings to audit areas like tajweed. Compare older recordings to recent ones. Identify growths and persistent gaps needing work.

Tracking quantifiable measures prevents feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate milestones! Seeing progress builds motivation to learn the Quran faster.


Preparing your mind, learning foundations, being consistent, using technology carefully, finding good instructors and tracking progress can help significantly accelerate your Quran learning. Be patient with yourself and remember – Allah appreciates the intention and effort behind seeking knowledge of the Quran. Consistency and quality are more important than chasing quantity. Approach this journey with sincerity and Allah will ease the path, InshaAllah.

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