online quran classes

Offline vs. Online Quran Classes

It is important for every Muslim to learn Quran, the Holy Book that guides us through life and brings us closer to God. Nowadays people have multiple options available when it comes to learning the Quran. For instance, one option is to sign up for a course at some educational facility or institution and the second option is to learn it online. How online Quran classes and regular courses compare? Scroll down to find out.


Regardless of what we’re about to learn flexibility is always important. You want to fit the subject into your schedule and lifestyle, but with regular Quran courses, it can be quite tricky. The reason is simple; these classes have a set time and date. You can’t call and ask the tutor and all other students to adapt to your schedule and change this. Therefore, you have to struggle to catch up with everything which can be overwhelming. On the other hand, online Quran classes have more flexibility. You can learn when and where you want. As a result, it’s easier to fit them into your schedule.

Financial aspect

Signing up for some Quran course is usually pricy. Bearing in mind classes aren’t flexible; it’s easy to say that the quality of the program doesn’t actually justify the price. That being said, online Quran classes are cheaper, but they offer more than regular courses meaning you get the best worth and quality of service for your money. Do you notice the difference here? One form of learning Quran asks for more money but offers little in return while the other is entirely opposite. This could explain why a growing number of people sign up for online learning.

The interaction between teacher and student

The most significant component of the course is interaction or communication between student and tutor or teacher. In an offline setting, this interaction is minimized because there are many students in the class and a teacher can’t dedicate all attention to one person only. Without proper interaction, it’s difficult for a student to move forward and clarify some confusions and misunderstandings. However, the story is entirely different from online Quran classes. In this form of learning you as a student have the opportunity to interact with the teacher, ask any question you want, and learn with greater success. Attention, in this case, is on every individual student which allows for faster progress.


This is yet another point where offline and online courses are entirely different. Unlike offline classes which give out standard and limited materials, online courses are more inclusive. As a result, students learn faster because they get an in-depth insight into Arabic, Quran, and everything that’s necessary to learn it with ease. This isn’t something that you can easily obtain at offline classes. Online Quran classes have numerous advantages over offline courses. They are more inclusive and put a major emphasis on each individual student to allow him or her to move forward faster than they would in a classroom setting.

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