
Sunnah: Habits

Sunnah   means “to do” or “to follow.” It is how Allah, the Islamic God, wants His believers to live their lives. Although this means many different things, a common one is to make dua (prayers) and perform religious deeds such as fasting, praying, giving charity, and other acts of worship. Sunnah also includes saying salah (the Islamic prayer), reciting the Quran, and performing Hajj and Umrah. There are many ways we can improve our adherence to Islam by following sunnah habits. Here are ten ways that you can start doing it today!

What is sunnah and what is its Importance in Islam?

Sunnah is the second most important source of Islamic law. It is defined as the act, word, or tacit approval of the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnah also refers to anything that “traditions” (ahadith) say was done by the Prophet Muhammad. The general principle in Islam is that what was done by Prophet Muhammad can be considered to be good and beneficial for all human beings who are in similar circumstances.

Importance of sunnah

The importance of Sunnah in Islam is that it helps us in our daily life. It helps us in our day-to-day affairs, whether it’s in any aspect of life, whether it’s about how you eat, drink, take care of your body, dress, or how you present yourself to other people. There are so many things about sunnah that are very beneficial for all human beings no matter what their religion is.

Benefits of sunnah

– Sunnah helps us in our daily life.

– Sunnah helps us in all aspects of life.

– There are so many things about sunnah that are beneficial for all human beings no matter what their religion is.

The sunnah of doing Tawbah: repentance from sins

One of the sunnah habits is performing Tawbah, which means to repent from a sin or mistakes that you’ve made. You don’t have to beat yourself up about your mistakes, but instead turn to Allah and be sincere in your repentance.


The sunnah of performing ghusl: washing the entire body

The Quran, the holiest book of Islam, tells Muslims that they must perform ghusl (wudu) before each prayer. Ghusl is a washing of the entire body to spiritually cleanse oneself from sin. The Quran mentions in surah Al-Nisa’:

“O you who have believed, let there be no obscenity and impurity in your own hands. Remove your outer garments and make ready for action.”

(Quran 4:43)

This verse means that when you are about to pray or do any other religious activity, it is important to take off your clothes and make yourself ready for action. However, many Muslims don’t perform ghusl before praying or performing their religious duties because they think they don’t need to. But this is not true! If you want to become a stronger Muslim and follow what Allah wants you to do more closely, practice doing ghusl before every prayer!

The sunnah of praying two Rakats for dhuhr salah and two for asr salah

sunnah means to do. If you want to be a better Muslim, there are many things that you can do. One of the most important ways is praying. As Muslims, we must pray five times throughout the day, and we should make sure that we follow the proper procedure for each prayer. The sunnah of praying two Rakats for dhuhr salah and two for asr salah is a good way to get started on your journey towards being a better Muslim.

The sunnah of reciting the Quran in its original Arabic language

One of the most important things in life is knowing and speaking your language. And one of the ways we can honor our language is by reciting the Quran in its original Arabic. We have access to the Quran in many different languages, but it’s always nice to read and recite it in its original language. This helps us remember and appreciate that this holy book has been given to us by Allah, and we should try our best to read it with intent and careful attention.

The sunnah of fasting during Ramadan, except in cases where it is not unhealthy to do so

The Sunnah of fasting during Ramadan is to fast from dawn till dusk. In addition, it is not healthy to fast without a valid reason. Also, if you are traveling or sick, you are not required to fast.

Giving charity to the poor and needy

A frequent Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad was to give charity. So he would always be giving out food or drink, and sometimes even money to people in need. It is recommended for Muslims to give charity at least once a year, but you can also give as often as you want. Just make sure the person is in need and not just trying to take advantage of you!

Performing Hajj and Umrah

One of the most important sunnah habits is to perform Hajj and Umrah. This pilgrimage can only be done in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Many Muslims believe that this is the best time for both physical and spiritual purification since it’s in the month of Dhul-Hijjah. It is also believed that performing hajj at least once in one’s lifetime will erase your sins and make you eligible for Jannah (heaven).


To stay on the right path and remain a better person, it’s necessary to establish some good habits that help us be closer to Allah. While these are not necessarily new habits, they have been practiced by previous scholars and can be practiced by us. They can help us become stronger in our faith and more mindful of Allah.

Whether you’re new to Islam or a seasoned Muslim, these habits are sure to help you on your way.

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