Surah Mulk Benefits

Learning about Surah Mulk Benefits

The importance of Surah Mulk, Blessing, Benefits and Virtues in Quran:

Surah Mulk is the thirty Surah in the Quran. Islam is the only religion that guides us to the right path. ALLAH (SWT) has sent its messengers to humanity to show the right path to humanity. The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the last messenger of Allah (SWT). The Holy Quran was revealed to him. There are 114 Surah is the Holy Quran. Each Surah is a light that alters our lives and shows us the right way to live. Here, in this article, we will discuss the Surah Mulk benefits.

Surah Mulk Benefits

Surah Mulk which was revealed in Mecca. It consists of thirty verses and three hundred and thirty words and a thousand three hundred letters. Every letter of the Koran is blessed and even when reciting a word, there is a virtue.

According to a Hadith Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“He who reads a letter from the Holy Quran will receive a Hasana, and it will be multiplied by ten.”

So make the Quran an integral part of your life to succeed in this world and in the future.

Surah Mulk is in the 29th Part and is the 67th chapter of the Holy Quran. There are many virtues of reciting it. The recitation of this Surah is not limited to a time when you can recite it several times a day.


Surah Mulk for deceased

Regarding the virtues of this Surah al-Mulk, it is said that the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“There is a sura in the Quran that consists of thirty verses that call for a man until his sins are forgiven.”

This means that if a person continues to recite this Surah on the day of judgment, she will continue to intercede until Allah (SWT) forgives all her sins.

Let’s know the importance of this Surah Mulk from an incident also. One of the companions of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has already repaired his tent on a tomb without knowing it. When he came to know the tomb, he recited this Surat al-Mulk. Then he went to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and related the incident and his recitation of Surah Mulk. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“It is the prevention of the punishment of the grave”.

Recite it before sleeping:

One of Surah Mulk benefits when you recite Surah Mulk before sleeping, an angel comes to protect you, because when a person sleeps, he is unable to protect himself. We must learn meaningful verses. The Holy Qur’an is a complete code of life and, understanding the message of the Koran, we could live our lives according to the rules of Islam.

Blessing of the recitation of Surah Mulk:

We can reach the number of blessings with the recitation of Surah Mulk. He has only thirty verses and takes a few minutes to recite. All Surah of the Holy Qur’an is revealed for a purpose. Think of the blessings and virtues associated with reciting these verses. On every word, there are blessings for us in this life and in subsequent life when every person will need virtues.

Read Surah Mulk here

Surah Mulk recitation

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