drugs in islam

Lectures about drugs in Islam

The drugs are Haraam in Islam,Islam prohibits the use of all types of intoxicants, whether in the form of a drink, pills, drops, inhaled substances, needles, etc.

Islam prohibits the use of any intoxicants and it is widely accepted that drugs are prohibited in Islam. Before addressing the question of why drugs are banned in Islam, it is important to know what drugs or intoxicants really are.
The drug is essentially any drug or other substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Its fine if made for medicinal purposes, but becomes a disaster when used as an addiction. Drug addiction is the physical and psychological dependence on any psychoactive substance such as heroin, alcohol, tobacco, etc. Essentially, the drugs contain chemicals that are not digestible or consumable by the human digestive system and are not excreted. The result is the deposit of these harmful toxic substances. The accumulation of these substances has physiological and psychological effects on humans. Being regularly deposited in the body, our body gets used to a certain level of these substances, and when this level is disturbed, the drug craving begins.The drugs are Haraam in Islam,So we should avoid it. Many of these medications are actually administered as pain relievers or medications because of their medicinal effects.

Drugs are haraam in Islam ???
As Muslims, we are all told that intoxicants or drugs are prohibited in Islam. the reason is that it intoxicates a person. Making him unconscious of the outside world, making him lose control of himself and altering his judgment etc. But now, when we see in our societies, sadly the majority of our brothers and sisters are involved in this kind of activities. So we hear various questions about drugs and Islam and often encounter such situations, for example: Drugs are haram in Islam
Are drugs haram in Islam? why are the drugs Haraam in Islam? What specific types of drugs are prohibited in Islam? smoking tobacco does not make me unconscious, still his haram? Can I taste just once, I just want to know how it tastes?

Many of us may have met a situation like “hey, everyone drinks and smokes, the common cold, partying … !!!” and at first we’re like “Oh no! I do not smoke or drink. “” Why ??? “,” Coz his haram in Islam. “And then after a few moments, on the continued invitation of sin, and the effect of the environment, many of our arguments begin to get weaker and weaker.The drugs are Haraam in Islam,So we are supposed to save ourselves from it. Moments later, some of them join the party for the first time, thinking “I do not matter, I’m not an addict and I’ll never be one, it’s just a few This is how many people start their journey to addiction.

What does Islam say ????
What does Islam have to say about this? How should Muslims consider drugs? To understand this, we must see what the Quran and Ahadith say about intoxicants.

O you who believe! Intoxicants and games of chance, (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan’s work. Avoid (such abominations) that you can prosper. (5:90)

The work of Satan? How ??? Do not you see how a human behaves after being intoxicated? They are out of control, they do not know what to say and what else. They are not aware of their prayers, and other duties of course. This makes them completely out of their senses. The drugs are Haraam in Islam,coz Islam protect the people from bad things. How can we expect something good from a person who is not in his senses, obviously it is a work of satan. After this clear revelation in the Quran, there is no need to discuss its prohibition or tolerance in Islam. This ayah clearly answers the question “Are drugs haram in Islam, why?”.

Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity among you with intoxicants and games, and to hinder you from remembrance of Allah and prayer. Are not you going to give up? (5:91)

Now let us turn to the other issues we have raised in the previous sections,What specific types of drugs are prohibited in Islam?

Answer: Keep in mind that when the term “intoxicant” is used, it also includes narcotics, as they lead, among other things, to the loss of self-control. Ibn Omar reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “All intoxicating is khamr (wine) and all intoxicating is haraam (illegal). Whoever drinks wine in this world and dies while consuming it and will not repent not drink it in the next world. (Muslim) means marijuana, tobacco, wine, bear, alcohol, grass, heroin, morphine, etc. anything that brings unconsciousness is forbidden. I saw people who received laxatives for the release of mental stress as a psychological therapeutic agent, and they started to take them as fun and are now addicts.If this is because of the unconsciousness, a specific amount of each type of intoxicant is needed to be intoxicated, So I can have it in a small amount without being unconscious ???

Answer: Jabir reported that the Messenger of Allah said ; “Anything that intoxicates in a larger quantity is also illegal in its smaller amount.” (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah) There are countless Islamic and scientific reasons to stop using drugs. They ruin the lives of people physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. Drug addicts become the most rejected and miserable people in society, they become a burden to their families and society.The drugs are Haraam in Islam, coz Islam show us the right way. If someone is involved in the drug, he must stop immediately and ask for help. And if you see someone engaging in such an unhealthy activity, they must counsel and help them. May Allah help us and protect us all. Ameen.

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