Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Three supplications are answered without question – the supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveller, and the supplication of the parent for his son”. If travelling has such a high standing, it can only suggest that in Islam, travelling serves a higher purpose.
Travelling is the concept of going between distinct times in time in a similar way to moving between different points in space, usually with the use of a theoretical innovation. Travelling is kind of like life, but it happens somewhere else, according to some travellers. You get out of bed. You consume food. You go out and observe and participate in activities. And you meet new people, some of whom you get along with and others with whom you do not then you eat something else and go to bed.
Travelling is an essential Sunnah in Islam because the Prophet (pbuh) encouraged his followers to seek knowledge even if it meant travelling far away, implying that knowledge has no boundaries and that travelling is a good way to broaden one’s knowledge and experience horizons.
If this is the case, we must demonstrate some adab (etiquette) when travelling as a sort of responsibility and accountability to ourselves, those we leave behind, and those we meet along the way. This is done to ensure that Allah’s blessings are with us at all times.
Performing Istikharah before travelling:
It is preferable to perform Istikharah before embarking on a journey (which literally means to seek goodness). “The individual who does Istikharah will never incur loss.” said by Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) about Istikharah.
The way of Istikharah is to conduct two Rakaats of Nafl Salaah and then seek guidance and goodwill from Allah (Subhanahu-Wa-Tha’ala) in the form of dua if it is not a time of day when Salaah is prohibited or disliked.
When one reaches this issue at both locations while reciting this Du’aa, one should examine the matter on which one seeks guidance.
It isn’t always possible to see a dream.
Making Intention for Travelling:
The travelling of this world serve as a model of one’s journey to the hereafter and can be used to learn from. The goal of these journeys, above all else, should always be to focus one’s attention on Allah (Subhanahu-Sa-Tha’ala) and the afterlife. The best traveller is the one who learns from Allah’s (Subhanahu-Wa-Tha’ala) signs that he encounters.
General Intention:
Places should not be passed by without these crucial lessons being learned. Always be preoccupied with the preparation of one’s voyage to the hereafter, and so endeavour to live one’s life in line with Rasulullah’s Sunnah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
As a result, whenever the opportunity to travel arises in one’s life, one should strive to follow Prophet Muhammad’s practise and teachings (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). In this way, one can reap the benefits of one’s actions both in this world and in the afterlife.
The Purposes of Travelling: Many more motivations could be added to the fundamental aim of a journey, so turning a lawful voyage into an act of Ibaadat and worship, and thus being blessed abundantly even for journeys that may not appear to be virtuous on the surface.
Making as many intentions as possible is a good idea. The greater the prize, the more noble the intentions! Keep in mind that a believer’s intention is greater than his/her action.
The following are some goals that one could set for their travels:
1. To meet friends and relatives, inquire about their well-being, gratify them by paying them a visit, and keep family relations strong.
2. Travelling with the goal of earning a Halal living and meeting one’s obligations in this regard, such as acquiring Halal riches and then paying Zakaat, Sadqatul Fitr, Qurbaani, performing Haj and Umrah, providing for my family, the poor and destitute, and other praiseworthy paths.
3. To improve one’s health, as stated in Rasulullah’s (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) Hadith, “Travel and improve one’s health!”
4. To gain knowledge of Deen or to pass on whatever knowledge one has of Deen to others whenever the occasion arises.
5. If the opportunity arises, to assist the community in any aspect of their lives.
6. To pay visits to the sick, console the bereaved, and assist those in need.
7. To express condolences to the deceased’s relatives.
8. Remove dangerous impediments from the road to avoid causing difficulty to other road users.
9. To make the Haj or Umra. If one were to travel to a location other than the Haramain Sharifain, one could also aim to do so in order to acquire acclimated to travelling to the Haramain Sharifain.
10. To pay visits to Allah’s devout servants (Subhanahu-Sa-Tha’ala) around the world and learn from their wisdom.
There are several intents that a person can establish before going on a journey in this way. The greater the number of intentions, the higher the reward.
As muslims, we must plan ahead to ensure that we have a pleasant journey, from obtaining halal food to determining how to do our prayers in countries with limited space and different time zones.
Alhamdulillah, one of Islam’s beauty is that it provides alternatives to all of our compulsory obligations. Islam alleviates problems while protecting humanity’s well-being. In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says: “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2: 185)
Dua For Travelling:
Allah instructs Muslims to begin extra prayers, or duas, to keep them safe as soon as they leave their cities or towns and begin their travels, in addition to pray three times daily (usually five, but exceptions are made when travelling). Muslims pray to Allah before and throughout their journeys, whether by plane, automobile, boat, or other mode of transportation, to protect them and return them safely to their family.
Prayer for Travelling:
Allaahu ‘Akbar, Allaahu ‘Akbar, Allaahu ‘Akbar, Subhaanal-lathee sakhkhara lanaa haathaa wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineen. Wa ‘innaa ‘ilaa Rabbinaa lamunqaliboon. Allaahumma ‘innaa nas’aluka fee safarinaa haathal-birrawattaqwaa, waminal-‘amalimaa tardhaa, Allaahumma hawwin ‘alaynaa safaranaa haathaa watwi ‘annaa bu’dahu, Allaahumma ‘Antas-saahibu fis-safari, walkhaleefatu fil-‘ahli, Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika min wa’thaa’is-safari, wa ka’aabanl-mandhari, wa soo’il-munqalabi fil-maaliwal’ahli.
(Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest. Glory to Him who has supplied this for us, despite the fact that we could never have obtained it by our own efforts. We are, without a doubt, returning to our Lord. On this voyage, O Allah, we pray for virtue and piety, as well as actions that please You. O Allah, make this journey easier for us by making the distance shorter. O Allah, You are our travel companion and the One to whom we entrust our family. O Allah, I seek shelter in You from the hardships of this voyage, from the evil sights in store, and from returning to find our family and property in peril).
Prayer for the Trip:
Bismi-Allahi wa al-hamdu li-Allahi. Subhana-alladhi sakh-khara la-na hadha wa ma kunna la-hu muqrinin. Wa inna ila Rabbi-na la munqalibun.
(In the name of Allah, and Praise be to Allah. Glory unto Him Who created this transportation, for us, though we were unable to create it on our own. And unto our Lord we shall return).
Prayer for the Departure:
lla ihlmh ila allmha waḥdahs lba sh ryka lh llhn almlk wlh alnḥ mld whww ʿl a kll shyw’r qd yrsh aybṭwnn twamb wnḍ ʿabnd wnr sajadrwny lḥr bmnaa ḥramdwn ṣndqa allahl wʿkhdyhr whndhṣhr ʿbdh w hzm alaahḥlzhab wnḥʿdwh bk mn shrha wshr ahlha wshr ma fyha
(There is none worthy of worship besides Allah who has no partner. His is the Kingdom and to him is all praise, for He has created everything. We are those returning, repenting and obedient to Allah, performing Sajda, praising Allah, Allah has made truth (fulfilled) His promise and aided His servant and defeated the enemy armies Alone).
Prayer for Reaching the Destination:
Allhm rb alsmawat alsbʿ wma aẓlln wrb alarḍyn alsbʿ wma aqlln wrb alshyaṭyn wma aḍlln wrb alryaḥ wma dhryn fina nsalk khyr hdhh alqrya wkhyr ahlha wnʿwdh bk mn shrha wshr ahlha wshr ma fyha.
(O Allah, You are the Lord of the seven skies and all that is beneath them, the seven planets and all that is above them, and of Satan who deceives and all those who are deceived by him, as well as the wind and all that it blows. As a result, we desire the good of this town and the good of its citizens (people), as well as protection against its evil and the evil of its citizens, as well as the evils of whatever is in it).
Prayer for Reaching Home Safely:
Alw bham a wbaa llrbhanwa tdwhb ab lsha yyghaadr ʿllnyana ḥw bwal h alnḥ mld whww ʿl a kll shyw’r qd yrsh aybṭwnn twamb wnḍ ʿabnd wnr sajadrwny lḥr bmnaa ḥramdwn ṣndqa allahl wʿkhdyhr whndhṣhr ʿbdh w hzm alaahḥlzhab wnḥʿdwh bk mn shrha wshr ahlha wshr ma fyha.
(I’ve returned, I’ve returned, and I’m seeking Allah’s pardon with such sincere repentance that I’m free of all sin).
A Quick Summary:
It has been narrated that: “There are four categories of humans, One is a man to whom the Almighty Allah has granted wisdom and wealth Based on his understanding, he behaves with respect to his wealth. Another guy claims that if Allah had given him anything similar to the first man, he would have responded similarly. The reward will be the same for each of them. A third type of individual is one to whom Allah bestows money but not knowledge. As a result, he spends money in accordance with his desires. Another individual claims that if Allah had given him the same resources as that person, he would have performed similarly. Both of them will be burdened in the same way. These two will be burdened in the same way.” (According to Ibn Majah). In light of this, Muslims should avoid doing anything that would jeopardise their faith (iman), such as going to night clubs, pubs, or other locations where alcohol is freely used, gambling, or spending time in places where genders are freely mixed. These actions may have a negative impact on a Muslim’s desire to serve Allah. Without engaging in things that are officially forbidden, Muslims can engage in a variety of enjoyable, informative, and healthful activities. Traveling the world in an Islamic manner, on the other hand, is a good method to resurrect the essential Sunnah of learning about different cultures and disseminating a positive picture of Islam or simply enjoying the world from the lens of a Muslim.