what does the quran say about jesus christ?

what does the quran say about jesus christ?

what does the quran say about jesus christ? Muslims are not the only ones that have holy scriptures. Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad, Prophet of Islam, through the archangel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. Muslims also believe that Jesus was a prophet and messenger of God.

Both Muslims and Christians believe in one God, but there are some differences between their two faiths. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine or the son of God, but rather he was sent as a prophet to guide people to the true faith, which is Islam. There are many other things about these religions that may surprise you. Keep reading to find out what does the quran says about jesus christ? >

What is the Quran?

The Holy Quran is the final revelation of Allah to mankind. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Arabic language and believed by Muslims to be the literal word of God, which they believe to be revealed through Gabriel.

Muslims believe that it is the finest book ever revealed because it has not been changed by human interpretation or translation like previous scriptures like Torah and Bible.

It consists of 114 chapters called surahs, with each chapter named after its first verse (called a basmala). The chapters are arranged roughly from the longest to the shortest in length so that the longest chapter appears at the end of the Quran.

The difference between Islam and Christianity

Islam is a monotheistic religion, meaning that Muslims believe in one God. Christians, on the other hand, are polytheistic and believe in the Christian Trinity, which includes God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Muslim view of Jesus differs from the Christian view; what does the quran say about jesus christ?  Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross but was raised alive to heaven, where he lives with God.

The Quran is written in Arabic but has been translated into many different languages, including English. The Quran has 114 chapters which are arranged according to length, with chapters generally containing anywhere from 3 to 286 verses. It is said that reading one letter of the Quran will bring you closer to Allah than reading ten times as much from any other book.

what does the quran say about jesus christ?
what does the quran say about jesus christ?

Muslims recite verses of the Quran while they pray five times a day, starting with Fajr prayer at dawn and ending with Maghrib at sunset. There are many different methods used when reciting Quranic verses, including Tajweed rules that help people pronounce words correctly and avoid mispronunciation.

what does the quran say about jesus christ?

what does the quran say about jesus christ? The Quran mentions Jesus by the name of Isa. In the Quran, Jesus is a prophet and not divine or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus was sent as a messenger to guide people to the true faith which is Islam.

Jesus’ mother Mary is mentioned in the Quran as a holy woman and a virgin who gave birth to Jesus by giving birth without a male involvement.

There are many other things that may surprise you about Islam and Jesus Christ. Keep reading for 13 surprising facts that you never knew!

Jesus in Christianity

After discussing what does the quran say about jesus christ?  Even though Muslims do not believe in Jesus, Christians do. According to the Bible, Jesus is the Son of God who was sent to die for all people’s sins. The Quran does not mention Jesus’ death on the cross, but it does mention that he was born miraculously without a father and that he will return to earth near the end times.

The Quran teaches that Jesus was only a man who received revelation from God and taught others about Allah. It also says that Jesus himself did not claim to be divine or receive worship.

The difference in belief is because Christians believe in the Trinity, which is composed of three parts: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. Muslims do not believe in this doctrine since they only recognize one part of God–Allah–and reject any other representation of him.


The Quran is a holy scripture for Muslims. They believe it was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. The holy book for Christians is the Bible. It was believed to have been written by many people, but mostly by the authors named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Both religions believe in one God, but there are some differences between their two faiths. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine or the son of God, but rather he was sent as a prophet to guide people to the true faith which is Islam. There are many other things about these religions that may surprise you. Keep reading to find out 13 surprising facts about the Quran and Jesus Christ!

Surprising Facts about the Quran

and Jesus Fictions

The Quran and the Bible: Islam and Christianity:

– Muslims believe that both the Bible and the Quran are holy scriptures. Islam’s holy book is called the Quran, while Christians believe that their scripture is called the Bible.

– Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine or the son of God, but rather he was sent as a prophet to guide people to the true faith which is Islam.

– Muslims believe in one God, while Christians believe in three separate entities: God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

– Muslims do not celebrate Christmas because they do not know when Jesus was born, but they do celebrate Eid al-Adha (the Feast of Sacrifice) which occurs around September or October every year.

Surprising Facts about Jesus


  1. Jesus Christ wasn’t always the most popular guy
  2. Jesus was actually Jewish
  3. The crucifixion of Jesus is considered to be one of the most traumatic events in history
  4. It took place on April 3, 33 AD
  5. The apostles believed that his death was a sacrifice for sins, and it would provide redemption for them
  6. Christianity is the largest growing religion in North America due to missionary work and people switching faiths to marry someone of another faith
  7. The bible says that Jesus had 12 apostles while the Quran only states that he had four – there are 6 more unknown apostles in the Quran
  8. There are many parallels between Islam and Christianity which include: both believe in one God, both believe in prophets, both believe in angels, and both condemn idolatry
  9. Muslims believe that Muhammad was not divine or the son of God – he was sent as a prophet to guide people to the true faith which is Islam
  10. Some Muslim countries have created their own version of Christmas complete with gifts, carols, presents, Santa Clause, and Christmas trees.

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