Dua When someone praises you

Dua When someone praises you

There is a dua we must say when someone praises us, and sometimes we find it hard to respond to compliments.


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Duaa When Someone Praises You in Arabic – 1

اللَّهُمّ لاَ تُؤاَخِذْنِي ِبَما يَقُولُونُ، وَاغْفِرْ لِي مَالا يَعْلَمُونَ وَاجْعَلْنِي خَيْراً مِمَّا َيظُنُّونَ

Duaa When Someone Praises You in English Transcription-1

Allaahumma laa tu’aakhithnee bimaa yaqooloona, waghfir lee maa laa ya’lamoona [waj’alnee khayram-mimmaa yadhunnoon]

Dua When Someone Praises You in English -1

O Allah, do not call me to account for what they say and forgive me for what they do not know of [and make me better than they imagine].
Shu’ab Al-Iman 4:228

what to say when someone praises you in islam
what to say when someone praises you in islam

What to say when someone praises you in islam

there are some ways to respond to a compliment to look modest and respectful.

How to Respond to a Compliment

Responding to compliments can be difficult, especially if you feel that if you accept them, you will look vain. However, politely accepting a compliment will make you look more modest than deflecting or rejecting a compliment. It is also important to know how to react to a compliment on the flipside. Keep reading to learn how to respond to compliments.

Stay simple. You may feel obliged to say all sorts of things when someone compliments you, but sometimes the best way to acknowledge a compliment is simply to thank the person who complimented you. [1]
Saying something like, “Thank you, it makes me feel good to know that you’re feeling that way” or “Thank you, I appreciate the compliment”, is a perfectly acceptable way to respond.
Do not forget to smile and look into the eyes of the person who complimented you when you thank her.

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Resist the urge to deflect or reject a compliment. Sometimes people feel the need to deflect or reject compliments by minimizing their efforts or abilities. In these situations, you may feel compelled to say, “Thank you, but it was really nothing.” While it may seem that you are modest when you turn away or reject a compliment, it may make you feel that you are not sure about yourself or that you are looking for extra compliments. [2]
Instead of deflecting or rejecting compliments, allow yourself to feel proud of what you have accomplished and simply say “Thank you”.
Pay attention to how you feel when someone compliments you. Refusing or deflecting compliments may indicate that you have low self-esteem, because complimenting yourself may contradict negative opinions of yourself. [3]
Recognize other people who deserve to share the credit. If you are complimented for something that involves the contributions of others, be sure to recognize these people as well. Do not take all the credit for the achievement. [4]
Saying something like, “We all worked very hard on this project, thank you for recognizing it,” it will help spread the praise to others who have contributed to your success.
Send back the compliments sincerely, but not in a competitive way. You may sometimes feel the need to minimize your own abilities by redirecting a compliment you just received to the person who paid for it, but you must resist that need. [5]
Saying something like “Thank you, but I’m not as good as you” will make you feel unsure about yourself and maybe even try to outdo the person who complimented you. This type of response may also give the impression that you are sucking up the person.
Instead of redirecting the compliment you received, pay the person a non-competing compliment in return. For example, you can say something like, “Thank you! I appreciate that. I think you have also made a very good presentation today! “
Accept and respond to compliments the first time you hear them. Do not ask for an explanation or repetition of the compliment. By asking the speaker to repeat what he has just told you or explain the compliment in more detail, you may seem vain or narcissistic. Accept the compliment for what it is and do not ask for reinforcement or explanation. [6]

dua for being praised
dua for being praised

Redirection of a reverse compliment

Remember that compliments upside down do not apply to you. A compliment in reverse is an insincere compliment that is offensive or insulting. If someone gives you a compliment in reverse, it’s probably because of their own feeling of insecurity and rejection. Instead of hating the person who tells you mean things, try to understand why this person might be so bitter. If you understand that compliments upside down is not about you, it will help you react in a way that stops them. [7]
For example, someone could give you a compliment by saying, “I would love to be as relaxed as you are about all that mess!” The comment is expressed as a compliment, but it is actually an insult to your life situation. This comment is based on the person’s need to say something rude about the current state of your home rather than ignoring it.

Address compliments in return. Do not let the compliments of your back go unnoticed. If you make a compliment in reverse, let them know that you understand that it was not really a compliment. [8]
Say something like, “I can have self-sign wanted,” Do you want to talk to me about something? This type of answer can help you deal with retrograde compliments and open discussion.
Redirect compliments on the intrinsic qualities that you feel are inaccurate. If you are very lucky to do something, do not thank him. In thanks for such a compliment, you implicitly implied it!
You do not have to be rude or aggressive in your response, you can just pick something like, “Maybe I’m lucky, but I think my success leads to a hard-working project that to luck. “

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