forgiveness in islam

Importance of Forgiveness in Islam

Its really great to know the Importance of forgiveness in Islam.Seeking Allah’s forgiveness with repentance is a virtue. Human beings are not perfect. Forgiveness is a critical aspect of Islam because everyone makes mistakes in life and involuntarily commits sins. Muslims believe that Allah is Merciful and Forgiving.

There are two kinds of forgiveness in Islam: Allah’s forgiveness and human forgiveness. We as human beings need both because we make mistakes in our relations with Allah as well as in our relationships with each other. In Islam, all that is necessary is to recognize error or sin, to improve it and to ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty and also from other human beings.

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The forgiveness of Allah Almighty

In the Quran, the word “Allah is Most Merciful” is repeated many times. In the Islam of religion, anyone who has committed a sin can ask forgiveness directly from the Lord, there is no one between Allah and one who asks forgiveness of Him. In the Quran, Allah says, “God loves those who repent and He loves those who keep themselves pure.” From this verse, we can conclude that if someone asks for forgiveness with repentance then Allah will love him and surely He will forgive him but there is a condition and that he / she / he should not commit that sin or error again. so what about to know Importance of forgiveness in Islam.

The forgiveness of another human being

If someone has wronged another human being, the act must first be repaired with the wronged person or human being who should be asked forgiveness before asking Allah’s forgiveness. Islam teaches human beings to forgive and if someone sincerely asks for forgiveness, the wronged person should forgive him. Our Beloved Prophet (SAW) said, “He who suffers and forgives (the responsible person), God will elevate his status to a higher degree and remove one of his sins.” If we wait for the forgiveness of Allah Almighty then we also have the ability to forgive others. so we should know the  Importance and the advantages of forgiveness in Islam.

Forgiveness in the Quran

In the Holy Quran, “forgiveness” and “mercy” are mentioned around 100 and 200 times respectively. An entire chapter of the Quran is devoted to the quality of mercy (Surah Rahman). We all know that Allah is Most Merciful and He forgives those who ask forgiveness with repentance. There are so many Ayahs related to forgiveness in the Qur’an that some of them will be discussed below:

In the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty says about the Importance of forgiveness in Islam: “And let them forgive and forget, would not you love Allah to forgive you, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 24:22) . In this ayah we have the greatest motivation to push us to forgive; It is Allah’s forgiveness.

In another verse of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty says: “The reward of evil is his wickedness, but whoever forgives and is fined, his reward is upon God.” (Quran, 42:40) Whoever forgives others from the heart then Allah Almighty will give him the reward and we know that the rewards of Allah are best of all.

Allah Almighty says: “Whoever desires honor, power and glory, then to Allah belongs to all honors, powers and glory [and one can only obtain honor, power, and glory by worshiping Allah (Alone)] To Him, the right words and the righteous deeds exalt him (the good words, that is to say, the good words, are not accepted by Allah unless they are followed by good deeds), but those who hunt down evils, a severe torment, and the plot of such will perish. “(Quran, 35:10).

In another verse of the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: “This [is] And whoever answers [injustice] with the equivalent of the one with whom he was wounded and then is tyrannized – Allah will help him surely, Allah is forgiving and forgiving. “(Quran, 22:60) From this verse, we can say that Allah the Almighty forgives and forgives, we should seek forgiveness from Him and try to forgive others as well.

The forgiveness from the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW)

Our beloved Prophet (SAW) was so kind and forgiving with all, no matter whether he is a believer or a non-believer. We have so many examples from the life of the Prophet (SAW) about the forgiveness of others and we show kindness to those who were so rude to Him. Some of the examples of the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are mentioned below:

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said about the Importance of forgiveness in Islam: “Be merciful to others and you will receive mercy, forgive others and Allah will forgive you” (Musnad Ahmad). If we forgive others then Allah will forgive us so let’s try to be kind and forgiving so that we can get kindness, love, and forgiveness from Allah.

Forgiveness in Islam Hadith

Also, the Importance of forgiveness in Islam mentioned in what Abu Abdullah Al-Khadali reported: I asked Aisha about the character of Allah’s Messenger Prophet (SAW). Aisha said: “The Prophet was not indecent, he was not obscene, he did not shout at the markets, and he did not respond to evil deeds with bad deeds, but he forgave and neglected.” Tirmidhi)

An example of the practice of Muhammad’s forgiveness can be found in the Hadith, as follows: “The Prophet (SAW) was the most forgiving person He was always ready to forgive his enemies.” When he went to Ta’if to preach the message of Allah, his people mistreated him, mistreated him and beat him with stones, he left the humiliated and wounded city, and when he took shelter under a tree, the angel Allah has visited him and told him that Allah sent him to destroy the people of Ta’if because of their sin of mistreating their Prophet Muhammad (SAW) prayed to Allah to save the people of Ta ‘ if because what they did was out of their ignorance. ”

Aisha (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “O Allah, you forgive and are generous, you love to forgive.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

Abu Hurayrah said: I have heard the Messenger of Allaah say: “I swear by Allah that I seek Allah’s forgiveness and repent more than seventy times a day.” (Al-Bukhari)

Importance of forgiveness in Islam

The Prophet (SAW) said: “O people, ask for Allah’s forgiveness and repent of him, while I ask Allah’s forgiveness and repent me a hundred times a day.”

These are some of the examples taken from the life of the Prophet (SAW) and his words. From these examples and words, we have learned that: He who does not show mercy will not receive mercy. He who does not forgive others will not be forgiven. He who does not forgive others will not be forgiven. Whoever does not protect others will not be protected. So, try to forgive others for receiving the mercy and forgiveness of Allah Almighty and others.

Benefits of forgiveness

There are so many benefits to asking Allah Almighty for forgiveness that some of them are given below:

The forgiveness of Allah the Almighty brings joy and peace of mind. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: {And [saying], “Seek the forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will give you a good supply} (Quran 11: 3)
The Lord’s Forgiveness Results in the healthy and strong body free from diseases and disabilities.
Saved forgiveness of Fitnah and afflictions.

Importance of Forgiving Others in Islam

If someone wants righteous children, legal money, and extensive livelihoods, then he/she should ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness.
You want to increase the rewards and sins to be forgiven asking for forgiveness from Allah Almighty. Almighty Allah says, “Say,” Deliver us from our burdens. “We will forgive you your sins and we will increase those who do good [in goodness and reward].” (Quran 2: 58)
In the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty says about the Importance of forgiveness in Islam: “A kind word and forgiveness are better than charity” A kind and courteous word and forgiveness are (much) better than charity followed by (abusively) abuse. Allah is free from all needs and most indulgent. “(Quran, 2: 263)
In short, when sincerely asking for forgiveness, the intention should be not to knowingly repeat the same sin. A Muslim must think better of Allah. Do not deny the fact that Allah is Mighty, Just and Wrathful, yet at the same time, He is Merciful and forgiving. May Allah give us the strength to forgive others and also to ask them forgiveness! Ameen

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