Importance of time in Islam

Importance of Time in Islam

We all know the most famous proverbs: “Time is money” and “Time is gold”. Importance of time in Islam and the life of the human being is really great. Humanity has always been anxious with time, the passage of time, the measurement of time and the scientific skills of the time. Time is a blessing for us all. We focus on how we use time from the Islamic perspective. Allah Almighty has announced the value of time in the Quran. We will make wise use of time to increase our faith in this life and the afterlife.

Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said, “There are two blessings that many people lose” (Bukhari). From this word, we will do what we call our time to do good deeds for the sake of the Almighty Allah. We ordain our lives in time, in Islam, lives are structured around daily prayers. We will offer prayers on time that are mandatory for all Muslims. In Islam, believers are encouraged to be certain of time, to know its importance and the organizer intelligently. If human beings do not waste time or time, but rather think it is a blessing from the Lord, then they have every reason to hope for success in both lives and in the world. – beyond.

Importance of time in Islam and Quran

Allah Almighty said everything in the Qur’an which is the source of direction for us. Likewise, Allah has declared the importance of time in Islam and Qur’an that we speak below:

Indeed, we are displeasing to Allah the Most High when we abuse time. We must remember that time must be spent to fulfill our purpose but even in the life that is to worship Allah hang on our lives. Allah makes the importance of time in Islam very clear in the Quran when he says, “I have not created any of the jinn and men to serve me, for Allah is the one who gives (all) sustenance, the Lord of the Lord. Power, which is unshakeable forever. “(Quran, 51: 56-58) From this verse, we can use our time to worship Allah instead of doing other useless things.

For any true believer says that life on earth is temporary and its permanent fulfillment in terms of Allah (SWT) and live his life according to his commandments. The Almighty Allah says in the Quran in the chapter Al-Asr the importance of time: “By the time, in fact, humanity is in the loss, except those who have believed and performed righteous deeds and are mutually advised to patients. “(Quran, 103: 1-3) Ayahs explain the value of time in the life of a Muslim. The Creator of the world of the worlds declares time as a great measure of his success or failure. The Exalted says to each moment of existence that advances, the human to a great warning associated with it.

Time is one of humanity’s most precious resources since it can never be replaced or renewed once it has passed. When we waste our time, it’s as if someone has impulsively invested their capital and is not using it to generate profits. Invest time in good deeds, our beliefs form the title of our lives, and those, whose beliefs are established on the Quran, are normal to act on these beliefs in doing good deeds or supporting us by investing their time to do good deeds. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “O you who believe, obey Allah, and write to the messenger, and do not make your deeds valueless!” (Quran, 47:33) From this verse, we give ourselves the opportunity to do our best to use our time to do good deeds to waste on useless actions.

Importance of time in Islam according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW)

We have so many examples of the life of our Beloved Prophet (SAW) to know the importance of time in Islam. We will discuss some of them below so that we can take lessons and use our time in the best way.

The Prophet Mohammad (SAW), used to call the Muslims to take the initiative to do good deeds before the hurdle obstacle arises. He (SAW) said: “Do not waste time doing good deeds before being caught by one of the seven calamities that await you: a famine that can harm your wisdom; a prosperity that can deceive you; a disease that can affect your health

The Prophet (SAW) also said in one of his Hadiths: “Take advantage of five questions before five other questions: your youth before you get old; your health before getting sick; your wealth before becoming poor; your free time before you become preoccupied, and your life, before your death “(Musnad Imam Ahmad) The whole hadith speaks of the limited nature of our life and the time that passes, we should use the time in the best way before it is too late.

The Importance of Time Management in Islam

In another Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Allah said, ‘The son of Adam is wronging me because he curses Ad-Dahr (Time), but I am Ad-Dahr (Time). In My hands are all things, and I provoke the revolution of day and night. “(Al-Bukhari) One who abuses time does things that are beyond the command of Allah. the commandments of Allah will be lost in this life and in the afterlife too.

In short, we tell humanity to be aware of time. Allah Almighty reminds us that life in this world is only temporary and that we do not know the time of our death. We should use our time to do good deeds in the best way. As believers, we must never waste time or time, but rather consider it a blessing of the Almighty Allah. We must all understand that wasting time is an opportunity to never come back. We are responsible for all that we have done in this life and when our time in this world is over, we can not do anything because our time in this world is up and the time will never come back. Time is precious, we should try to invest it in the best way!

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