Is music haram in Islam

Is music haram in Islam?

Is music haram in Islam؟ Whether you like it or not, music is everywhere, and it’s unlikely to go away anytime soon. However, Muslims around the world are divided on the issue of whether music is haram (forbidden) or halal (permissible). So, is music haram in Islam? We will give the answer in this article.

We look at what scholars have had to say about this controversial topic. We’ll also address some of the most common arguments for and against listening to music and take a closer look at Islamic sources.

Is music haram in Islam?

‘The primary Islamic sources that Muslims turn to when considering whether or not music is haram is the Quran and the Prophet’s sayings, or hadith. The following sayings from the Prophet may help to answer this question:

1) “There should be neither a singer nor a musical instrument at a funeral.”

2) “Do not listen to anything containing lyrics which you don’t understand.”

3) “Whoever listens to the song and gets lewd ideas will have molten lead poured into his ears on the day of judgment.”

4) “When an infant cries out in its mother’s womb as it dwells in darkness, and he says ‘My Lord, why have you forsaken me?’ He will say, ‘I have created you for a limited time, and I have formed you with decayed bones.’ Then he will say, ‘So I shall give them no share in my eternal kingdom because of their disbelief.'”

5) “A person who commits sin is like someone who throws himself into a fire.”

6) “Some people from my nation were taken by the devil. And one of them said, ‘I will go back and listen again’: then he went back and was thrown into Hell because of the things he has done.”

7) “The first case is that of someone who shaves his head against Islam; if he repents Allah will forgive him. The second is that of someone who drinks wine; if he regrets it, Allah will.

Is music haram in Islam
Is music haram in Islam

is music haram in Islam: What does the QURAN say about music?

There are two verses in the QURAN that mention music; they are Qurtubi’s opinion that the first verse is about silence, and the second verse is about singing.

The first verse, which is in chapter 17 (al-Israa’), verse 32, says: “I will divert from my remembrance what is in My hands of your sinfulness – I will forgive you your sins. Therefore, turn in repentance before the day comes on which there shall be no escape.”

Scholars mention that this verse is referring to forbidden acts like adultery or murder. The second verse (in chapter 7 (al-A’raf), verse 32) says: “How can a person go astray who has a close friend?” Scholars say this verse refers to knowledge and wisdom.

What does the Prophetic Tradition (Sunnah) say about music?

The Prophetic Tradition (sunnah) is the second most important source of Islam. It’s a collection of Prophet Muhammad’s words and actions. We know that Prophet Muhammad listened to music, danced, and had an instrumentalist with him at times. He also referenced songs in his sayings.

Nowadays, one of the most popular arguments against listening to music is that it comes from the kafir world or non-Islamic culture. Perhaps what they’re referring to are the syncopated rhythms that are present in many Western songs.

Some scholars have said this argument doesn’t hold water because there are examples of Prophet Muhammad listening to music – so it can’t be considered haram!

Does listening to music cause haram or halal?

One of the arguments for why listening to music is haram is that it can cause people to indulge in immoral activities, like drinking alcohol.

The Quran states that some people will “enter the Garden (or Paradise) without any accounting.” Which means that they will not be questioned about their deeds on judgment day. This verse seems to say that some people will go directly to heaven without having to answer for their sins.

This argument is dubious, though, as it assumes all music leads listeners astray and misleads them into sinning. The Quran also has verses that state things like “Do not obey someone who disobeys God,” so this argument doesn’t hold too much weight.

Another argument points out how listening to music can lead listeners into sexual temptation or lead someone astray on the path of righteousness. There are many ways in which this could happen – whether through explicit lyrics, suggestive movements, or even just a catchy tune.

It’s important to mention, however, that this argument only applies if you’re listening to music with inappropriate content – not all music contains explicit lyrics or suggestive movements/choreography. There are plenty of examples of Islamic scholars saying it’s OK to listen to certain types of songs – adhan recitals are often sung by women with no problems arising from them.

What do Muslim scholars have to say about music?

The question of haram vs. halal has been pondered by many Muslim scholars over the years, with some Islamic schools of thought viewing it as permissible and others asserting that it is actually forbidden.

It’s worth noting that Islam does not prohibit listening to music outright or all forms of music. The Prophet Muhammad himself was known to listen to music in moderation, but this is an issue contested among different Muslim scholars.

Most contemporary Islamic scholars view music as permissible so long as the following conditions are met:

1) The song is free of any lewd or suggestive lyrics. 2) The song does not encourage illicit behavior (e.g., drinking alcohol). 3) Music only occurs in appropriate settings (e.g., weddings). 4) No one becomes distracted from remembering God (i.e., remembering that life ultimately ends with death, judgment day, etc.). 5) Music does not become an addiction for the listener in which he/she can’t go without it for an entire day. 6) There’s no compelling evidence in the Quran or hadith literature suggesting otherwise (what some may refer to as “the deen”).


The vast majority of Islamic scholars have the opinion that listening to music is not a sin.

The Islamic perspective can be summarized as follows:

-Listening to music is not a sin

-Listening to music does not cause harm or temptation

-Listening to music is permissible as long as it does not lead to something else that is haram

-Listening to music can be used as a form of worship if it is done for Allah’s sake.

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