Types of Jihad in Quran

Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah is really useful for all Muslims.

Islam is the religion of peace and love. The root of Islam is “Silm”, indicates “to make peace, to be in a mutually peaceful environment, to save, to be safe, to find peace, well-being, to attain good, comfort and favor, avoiding trouble and disasters “. , submitting the self and obedient, being far from bad. “Islam is fundamentally” submission to the Almighty Allah, accepting His authority as well as obeying His orders “, so we can say that a Muslim is under the peaceful and safe shadow of Islam. Allah the Almighty wants a Muslim to live in a safe and peaceful environment and make efforts for the spread and continuity of peace.

Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah

Islam is called “the Religion of Peace” as in the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) said: “And prepare against them all you can of power and of course of war by which you can terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others whom you do not know, but may Allah know, and all that you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be harmed. bow to peace, then bow to it and rely on Allah, for He is the Audience, the Knowledge. “(Quran, 8: 60-61)

The verses mentioned above first lead Muslims to fight against the enemies of Allah, with all the discretion they could muster in order to succeed, and also emphasize the expense of their properties and their money for this cause. This fills the base of Islam that puts everything forward for the Almighty Lord. These lines tell them to do harmony with those who seek peace, which is the realization of the secondary meaning of this belief, that is to say the extension of peace in the world.

Islam does not call for violence; relatively he hated all forms of violence and terrorism. Regardless of Muslims or non-Muslims, Islam calls for peace, cooperation and the maintenance of justice for humanity as a whole. Islam forces Muslims to stand with the poor regardless of their race, color, religion or relationship and to say NO to the oppressor and ask him to respond to the voice of reason and justice. Many people in the West have misunderstood the concept of being against the oppressor and responding to the voice of reason and justice. We will therefore discuss in detail this article on Jihad which essentially consists of “working hard for Allah. “\

Meaning of Jihad in Islam

Jihad is an Arabic term, and its transparent meaning is “to strive or work hard for something”. So, that does not mean “holy war” or “war in the name of Allah” against non-Muslims, which the West has associated with it. Such a term “holy war”, or its equivalent does not exist in Islamic belief.

Jihad is basically the name given to every activity and movement in the path of Allah (SWT). It means striving to make superior and dominant justice. In other words, jihad has to do with action in Islam; it is the power of Islam to act. Therefore, the meaning of the word “jihad” is not “war”. Fighting for Allah (SWT) is also a kind of jihad, but, in general terms, this word includes any kind of activity and action to make the religion of Allah go anywhere in the world or the spread of the Islam religion for Allah Almighty.

Types of Jihad

We have different types of jihad, we will discuss the four basic types of jihad in this article in detail that we should all know:

Jihad against oneself: Jihad bil Nafs is concerned with the fight against “evil” (non-Islamic) desires and the devil in his attempt to escape his incitement to evil. We can say that it is “internal” jihad.
Jihad against Shaytan: Allah says: “And we made among them (the Children of Israel), leaders, guiding under Our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our Ayat (proofs, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) “(Al Quran, As-Sajdah: 24). From this verse, we can conclude that we should fulfill the commandments of Allah with the patient and have proper faith about Allah Almighty whatever the situation we are facing, always put a strong faith on Allah the All powerful. So its really great to know the  Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah . Shaytaan will try to break our faith but we have to stick to Shaytaan. Patience rejected desires and certainty beat doubts. So be always patient for the sake of the Almighty Allah.
Jihad by Language / Pen: This type of Jihad is concerned with spreading the word of Islam with its language or writing and the verbal (or written) defense of Islam.
Jihad by the sword: This form of Jihad is called “the least jihad”. Sometimes it is necessary to undertake jihad by the sword. This would include using the arsenal and taking action. Jihad by the sword is the use of weapons to engage in combat. It is not the misuse of weapons to create violence.

Jihad in the Quran

Like all other obligatory and highest acts in the religion of Islam, Jihad is also the responsibility given by the Almighty to Muslims, which should be analyzed only according to the Holy Quran and not by the uninformed people.So why not to know the Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah . Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran: “Those who believed, emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah with their wealth and lives are more important to Allah, and they are the ones who are the (successful) successors. . “(Quran, 9: 20)

From the verse above, we can conclude that Jihad is basically the name of doing its best in terms of fighting and spending all that one has for the good of Allah Almighty. So Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah is really good. It has become clear that Jihad is only for self-defense and not the other way around, the verse of the Holy Quran, we can understand it “And kill them wherever you catch them and expel them from where they got you. expelled … And if they cease then, indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. “(Quran, 2: 191-192)

It is said that jihad “fights for Allah’s sake”, but there is an increased prerequisite for understanding what this sentence really means, as the word fight is misused by extremist organizations operating in different parts of the world and portrays him as religious duty. So what about to know  the Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah .Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran: “And what is [the matter] with you that you do not fight in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say,” Our Lord, come out Do we in this city of oppressive people and name us a protector and name us for you an assistant? “(Quran, 4: 75)

From the verses above, we can say that the perception of Jihad in the Quran revolves around efforts in the cause of Allah, fighting when they are attacked by rivals, helping the oppressed, and have peace. they stop fighting.


Jihad according to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Let’s discuss Jihad in Islam according to the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW), because His entire life has been a great struggle for the love of the Almighty Allah We have so many examples related to the Jihad of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself took part in battles against the oppressive Makkans who took up arms against the Muslims in order to remove them from the face of the earth. So Jihad and its types according to the Quran and the Sunnah is really useful . Non-believers: Someone asked, “O Apostle of Allah, who is the best among the people?” The Apostle of Allah replied, “A believer, who strives to the maximum in the cause of Allah with his life and his goods.”

The only word of the Holy Prophet (SAW) says that Jihad is more than just the struggle against the oppressors, because He (PBUH) advised a man to serve his parents. On one occasion, a man asked, “Should I join the jihad?” The Prophet asked him peace, “Do you have relatives?” The man said yes. The Prophet said, “Then do jihad by serving them!” (Bukhari)

Another man asked, “What kind of jihad is the best?” The Prophet (SAW) replied: “A word of truth spoken before an oppressor ruler.” (Sunan Al-Nasa’i) From this verse, we can say that staying true to one’s belief is also a form of Jihad in Islam.

In short, Jihad is not only fighting enemies, but we have learned from the Hadiths that there are other things included in the Jihad that we discussed in the Hadiths mentioned above. All these points point to the unique purpose of Jihad, that is, to make the best effort according to one’s faith.

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