Shukr in islam

The Value of Shukr in Islam

The blessings of gratitude and Shukr | Gratitude is not only the heart and essence of Islam; it is also the key to attracting abundance, prosperity, peace, and success in one’s life. We can say that Gratitude and Shukr are the most important aspects of Islam. As Muslims, we should always be grateful to Almighty Allah for all the blessings God has given us. He is the Creator of this world alone and He is also the Most Merciful to all of His humanity. If we are grateful to him, it means that we are believers and if not unbelievers. In the Holy Quran, Allah the Almighty says: “And remember, your Lord has declared: If you are thankful, I will add you more” (Quran, 14: 5-7).

The blessings of gratitude and Shukr

From the verses of the Holy Quran, we learned that gratitude is essential to the Islamic character and that the practice of gratitude in Islam is the means of greater prosperity. We must be grateful for all that we have in health, wealth, breathing, family, friends and all other things, whether they are too small or big and especially to be Muslim and the Ummah of the Prophet (SAW). love those who are grateful to Him for all that they have.

Gratitude (Shukr) is the way to love Allah. Shukr is the only argument needed against unbelief. It is also the cure for sadness and materialism and it is the motivation to do better tomorrow. The thanks and gratitude to someone are basically repaying the kindness and giving praise to the one who made us good and kind things. The kindest is the Almighty Allah, so we should always be grateful to him for everything.

Allah Almighty has commanded us to be thankful to Him for all His blessings and to try to do Shukr all the time for what He has given us. In the Holy Quan, Allah the Almighty says, “Therefore, remember Me (praying, glorifying), I will remember you, and I will be grateful to Me (for My countless favors upon you) and will never be ungrateful to Me “(Quran, 2: 152).

Allah has granted us nature to be grateful and we should, therefore, Gratitude (Shukr) to Allah Almighty. There are many benefits of Gratitude that we will obtain from Allah; We will discuss it below.

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Benefits of Gratitude (Shukr)

Gratitude cultivates happiness and well-being. Some of the benefits of Gratitude are listed below that we should know so that if someone is there who does not thank him should start Shukr.

Best relationship with Allah: Gratitude is one of the most beloved characteristics of Allah Almighty. To be grateful is the best way to get closer to Allah (SWT). By Shukr, we invoke his mercy and love on us. Gratitude is the key to the reward and pleasure of Allah. When we are grateful to Him, we try to improve our relationship with Allah Almighty. In the Holy Quran, Allah said in a certain way: “… And whoever desires the reward of this world – We will give him, and whoever desires the reward of the hereafter – We will give him. We will reward the grateful “(Quran, 3: 145).

Prosperity in life: Gratitude (Shukr), or gratitude, is a quality that will lead to success both in this life and in the next that will never end. Allah (SWT) promises us mercy and an increase of His favors upon us if we are grateful. In the Holy Quran, Allah says: “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly increase you [in favor] …'” (Quran, 14: 7). From this verse, we can conclude that if we are grateful to Allah Almighty for His blessing, then He will give us abundantly in return.

Prevents the punishment of Allah: In the Holy Quran, Allah says: “If Allah has taken humanity to task by what they deserve, He will not leave a living creature on the face of the earth, but He give respite to a fixed term, and when their term comes – then truly, Allah is the all-seeing of His slaves “(Quran, 35:45). Allah will grant us blessings when we thank him and it is also justified to punish us for our negligence. So, in gratitude, we can get his blessings and if we do not, he will punish us. Gratitude prevents the punishment of Allah Almighty.

Seeking the Pleasure of Allah: We (Muslims) spend our whole life getting the pleasure of Allah and gratitude is a way to do it not only in this life but also in the afterlife when we express it for His blessings. Shukr is the best way to reach the pleasure of Allah.
To reduce materialism and to stimulate sympathy: ultimate happiness does not depend on material possessions. Gratitude has been shown to reduce feelings of materialism and its consequent negative effects. Greater expressions of gratitude were associated with lower materialism and greater satisfaction with life. If you want a satisfied life then always grateful to Allah Almighty. So the blessings of gratitude and Shukr in Islam has ways to practice.

Ways to practice gratitude in Islam

There are some ways to follow what we should thank Allah Almighty

Say Al-Hamdulillah Regularly: A constant affirmation of this phrase reminds us of the source of all the blessings and happiness in this life. This practice of attributing all good deeds to Allah keeps us humble. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah is pleased with His servant if when he eats something, he thanks Allah for it, and when he drinks something, he thanks Allah for it” (Muslim). So, we should always be grateful to Allah Almighty by saying Al-Hamdulillah.
Be patient and thankful for the difficult time: The strength of our gratitude is experienced in the difficulties when we are facing a difficult time. Allah wants to see how grateful we are when we lose our job or a loved one, or when we feel sick and hurt. The Prophet (SAW) said, “What a wonder is the case of a believer! It is good for him in everything that happens to him – and no one, except him, enjoys this blessing.” (Muslim) This means that after every difficulty, there is an ease and who remain patient and grateful to Allah in the hard times will get a great reward. So The blessings of gratitude and Shukr in Islam is so many.
Fall in prostration when you receive blessings from Allah: We should fall prostrate (Sajdah) when we receive blessings from Allah the Almighty. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) also has the habit of prostrating himself when He receives something pleasant to thank, Allah Almighty. The blessings of gratitude and Shukr is really great.
Keep your expectations below: Always admire those who are below what you mean that does not have enough like you and instead of comparing yourself to others always Shukr to Allah for what you have. We should be grateful to Allah for all his blessings because there are many people who do not have many. Gratitude is the best way to please Allah and thank you to Allah. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “Look at people who have less than you and never look at those who have more gifts than you, that will ensure that you will not depreciate the favors of Allah” (Muslim). So why don’t we practice the ways of The blessings of gratitude and Shukr!  adapt to others is a sign of egoism, arrogance, and ingratitude. Be comfortable in all situations and you will be grateful.
Developing the attitude of gratitude towards Allah will change your life. We will appreciate the blessings of His Lord, thanking His Lord for these blessings and praising Him for helping Him to be among those who give thanks. So always Shukr to Allah Almighty for His blessings and be humble.

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