What does Quran say about Christians? The Quran mentions Christians who helped and supported Jesus. peace be upon him. but most the Christians Unfortunately disobeyed Jesus’s orders, they were blamed for this in the Quran because of their disobedience. The Quran mentions the Christians in several different events if you are much curious about this topic keep reading.
What does Quran say about Christians? Muslim belief about Christians.
Christians are mentioned in the Holy Quran several times. .And every time Quran mentions Christians related to narrating a story from the stories of the previous prophets or extracting a lesson from events that happened with Christians.
The Quran praises them for their good deeds, and at other times Quran blames them for their bad ones. The Quran was so fair when it encouraged Muslims to treat Christians kindly.
Quran also urged Muslims to invite them to convert to Islam with kind deeds.
Why does Quran mention Christians? Greatest sayings.
Why did the Holy Quran mention Christians? This question may come to our brothers’ minds who are interested in Islam, and it may also interest our new Muslim brothers.
And since you have wondered what Quran says about Christians? probably you will ask why the Quran speaks about Christians.
The answer is: Because the Holy Quran is the last book of the heavenly books that Allah sent to a Prophet to convey to people, so the Quran mentions the Christians, and the Bible does not mention Muslims because it was before the existence of Islam. and now we have a question: What does Quran say about Christians?
Quran calls Christians Jesus supporters.
Great Allah Said: “ when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from Christians, he said, “Who are my supporters ?” The disciples said,” We are supporting you. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are obedient” [surat; Al Imran
The Quran mentioned Christians more than once that they were the ones who supported Jesus, peace be upon him. But the Quran called out some Christians as supporters, but not all of them. and This is because most Christians did not follow the orders of Jesus, peace be upon him.
The Quran called the Christians who did not disobey Jesus the supporters, and these are the ones who carried out the orders of Christ and did not disobey Him, and these were a small group of Christians at this time. this is an answer: What does Quran say about Christians?
Quran encourages Muslims to treat Christians well.
Great Allah said: ‘’Allah does not prevent you from treating the Jews and Christians who do not fight Muslims with justice and kindness, and Allah loves just and benevolent people’’ [surat: Almumtahanah]
The Qur’an urges Muslims to treat Christians who do not harm Muslims and do not fight them with justice and kindness, because harmony among society is one of the things that the
Quran and even the hadith urges as well. Because of that Muslims must treat Christians with justice and kindness, and if a Muslim treats a Christian who does not fight him or harm him unjustly, then Allah will punish him with severe punishment. Thus the Quran urges brotherhood between Muslims and Christians on the condition of not fighting.
Why does Quran dispraise Christians? Faith issues.
The Quran dispraised Christians Because many of them have violated the orders of Jesus, peace be upon him, after his death, and no longer worship Allah.
they worshiped Jesus, peace be upon him himself, and Jesus was a human prophet and not a god.
but many Christians, when they saw Jesus doing miracles such as reviving the dead and healing the sick, thought that he was a god and neglected the fact that he was a human prophet.
Therefore, the Quran condemned the Christians, and Allah threatened to fight them because they did not worship Him, who is the one God, but they worshiped the Prophet, who was human, not a God.
The Quran warned Muslims against Christians because Allah knows the secrets of the human soul that we do not know.
The Quran warns us against Christians because they will not love us honesty unless we are Christians like them.
Here, the Quran reveals a human truth.
The truth is: that one of the impossible things is loving someone who does not believe in your religion.
Therefore, it is impossible for Christians to love Muslims honestly, and vice versa. Muslims will not love Christians honestly unless they convert from Christianity to Islam.
Consequently, it is impossible for Christians to love Muslims honestly, and vice versa. Muslims will not love Christians honestly unless they convert from Christianity to Islam.
Therefore, Islam warns us not to be under the illusion that Christians can love Muslims completely.
And the Qur’an here speaks of devout Christians who love their religion and have strong faith in it.
This is because non-religious Christians – who are the majority now – can love Muslims as they love themselves simply because they are not religious and do not understand that it is their religious duty not to love Muslims. After all, Muslims are contrary to Christians in belief and Sharia.
Thus, there is no contradiction between the presence of a non-religious Christian who loves a Muslim person as he loves his Christian friends and the assertion of the Qur’an that it is impossible for Christians to love Muslims as they love Christians
What does Quran say about Christians?
Who is the good Christian?
What does Quran say about Christians? One of the things that the Quran says about Christians: is that good Christians followed the orders of Jesus Christ and worshiped God and did not worship Jesus or any other human being.
They are also who obey the orders of Jesus Christ when he ordered them to believe in the Prophet who will come after him. the Prophet Muhammad( peace be upon him), believe in the Prophet Muhammad and follow the religion of Islam, which is an extension of the Jesus religion.