What does the Quran say about love or what the passages in the Quran specifically define or explain love? This might include poetry on romantic love, love (deep friendship) for one’s fellow man, love (pity) for the poor and unfortunate, or love (devotion to) Allah, among other things.
What does the Quran say about love?
We turn to the Quran for guidance in all aspects of our existence. What does the Quran say about love? In the Quran, Allah s.w.t. says:
“This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, Oh Muhammad, so that they may contemplate its verses, and people of the reason may be mindful.” (Surah Sad, 38:29)
The meaning of love is one of the reminders that may be found in the Divine characteristics of Allah s.w.t. are stated in various verses in the Quran, including:
- Al-Ra-uuf “The Kind”
- Al-Wali “The Protecting Friend”
- Al-Lateef “The Gentle”
- Al-Ghafur “The Forgiving”
- Ar-Rahim “The Merciful”
- Al-Wadud “The Affectionate Loving,” to name a few
Love is not only characterized as an activity but also as one of Allah s.w.t’s Divine Names, Al-Wadud.
The idea of love is likewise implied by the other Divine Names listed.
This indicates that love is essential not just in humans but also in the lives of all creation.
In the Quran, Allah s.w.t. says:
“and My Mercy encompasses everything” (Surah Al-A’raf, 7:156)
What does the Quran say about love? VERSES FROM THE HOLY QURAN ABOUT LOVE

Here are some verses from the Holy Quran about the power and strength of love in religion to help you find God and your love for Allah:
Human-to-human affection and mercy
What does the Quran say about love – The Quran explains the fundamental human urge for the company in this context – we are, after all, social beings who require affection and love.
Thus, the Quran invites us to choose a companion and spouse inside the folds of Islam, who may then teach us to comprehend the value and delight of sharing compassion and mercy between two individuals.
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought” [Quran 30:21].
Believers Relate to One Another Like Brothers
The Holy Quran reminds us that we must love one another as members of a more prominent human family by equating all believers as brothers or siblings.
Love should be used to help develop a community of forgiving and respectful brothers and sisters, rather than being restricted to romantic or spousal love.
“The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy” [Quran 49:10].
What does the Quran say about love? Make a difference & Do Good
This simple passage contains a profound insight on what it means to be a practicing Muslim — to be loved by Allah, to be able to receive the love of the Highest, is a privilege that few of us can comprehend.
All we need to do now is be good.
While another essay may be written about what it means to do Good in the world, what we can take away from this phrase right now is that we must always strive to make the best decisions we can, with the ultimate objective of doing everything we can to receive Allah’s love.
“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” [Quran 2:195].
We’ll all go back to Allah together
What does the Quran say about love? The Holy Quran reminds us of two things here:
First, we were created differently to be tested in various ways.
Second, we shall all be restored to Allah together in the end, despite whatever disparities we may have had throughout our lives on earth.
Knowing that we are all returning to Allah together, despite our differences in tests and nationalities, can serve as a powerful reminder of the need to love and respect one another throughout our time here.
For all of us, the end will be the same – we shall all return to Allah to account for our acts – which means we must constantly treat one another with empathy and compassion.
“To each of you, We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ” [Quran 5:48].
Spreading Your Joy
Finally, the Quran emphasizes the value of sharing one’s love because it is only through sharing one’s passion that one may completely comprehend its significance.
This verse urges us to try to give and share whatever we have as part of our responsibility to live in a community of brothers and sisters who respect and love one another like family.
“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah knows of it” [Quran 3:92].
What does the Quran say about love soulmates?

In the Quran, there is a passage concerning soulmates.
Every human being is made up of a soul, divided into males and women after creation.
As a result, everyone has their partner, which some may call a soulmate.
O humanity, be mindful of your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed, Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.
(Surah An-Nisa 4:1)
After all, the Quran is Allah’s s.w.t’s book of revelation, which we turn to for guidance on various topics, including love. It is, indeed, direction from The Most Merciful, Most Loving.
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