Dua For fear of committing Shirk

Dua For fear of committing Shirk In Arabic

اللّهُـمَّ إِنّـي أَعـوذُبِكَ أَنْ أُشْـرِكَ بِكَ وَأَنا أَعْـلَمْ، وَأَسْتَـغْفِرُكَ لِما لا أَعْـلَم


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Dua For fear of committing Shirk In English Transcription

Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika ‘an ‘ushrika bika wa ‘anaa ‘a’lamu, wa ‘astaghfiruka limaa laa ‘a’lamu

Dua For fear of committing Shirk In English

O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I associate anything with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I know not.
Ahmad 4:403

What is the true meaning of shirk and what are its types?

I often read that “this action is a major shirk” and “it is a minor shirk”. Could you explain to me the difference between the two?

Praise be to Allah.
One of the most important obligations is to know the meaning of shirk, its seriousness and its different types, so that our Tawheed (belief in the unity of Allah) and our Islam are complete and our faith is solid. We say – And Allah is the source of strength and the true direction comes from Him:

Know – may Allah guide you – that the word shirk in Arabic means to take a partner, that is, to consider someone as the partner of another. It is said [in Arabic]: ashraka baynahuma (he united them) when he considered them two of equal status; or ashraka fi amrihi ghayrahu (he introduced another into his business) when he involved two people.

In terms of sharee’ah or Islamic terminology, shirk means the attribution of a partner or rival to Allah in the lordship (ruboobiyyah), worship or in its names and attributes.

A rival is a peer or a counterpart. Therefore, Allah forbids the creation of rivals with Him and condemns those who take them as gods instead of or beside Allah in many verses of the Qur’an. Allah says (interpretation of meaning):

“So do not attach rivals to Allah (adoration) until you know that he alone has the right to be worshiped”

[al-Baqarah 2:22]

“And they set up rivals to Allah to turn men away from his path! Say: “Have fun (your brief life)! But certainly, your destination is the (hell) fire! “

[Ibraahem 14:30]

In the hadith, it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever dies claiming that Allah has a rival will enter Hell.”

Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4497; Muslim, 92.

The types of shirk:

The texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah indicate that shirk and the attribution of rivals to Allah sometimes lighten a person beyond the underworld of Islam and sometimes not. This is why scholars have divided the shirk into two types, which they call shirk akbar (major shirk) and shirk asghar (minor shirk). Following is a brief description of each type:

1 – Major Shirk

It means attributing to someone other than Allah something that belongs only to Allah, such as Lordship (ruboobiyyah), divinity (uloohiyyah) and divine names and attributes (al-asma ‘wa’l- sifaat).

This kind of shirk can sometimes be external, such as the shirk of those who worship idols and tombs, or that of the dead or absent.

Or it can sometimes be hidden, like those who trust other gods than Allah, or the shirk and kufr of hypocrites. Because even if their shirk (hypocrites) place them beyond Islam and mean that they will remain forever in hell, it is a hidden shirk, because they outwardly manifest Islam and hide their kufr and their shirk. internally mushriks but not externally.

Or the conviction that there are those who know the unseen as well as Allah. This is very common in some deviant sects such as Raafidis (Shi’ah), extreme Sufis and Baatinis (esoteric sects) in general. The Raafidis believe that their imams know the unseen, while the Baathis and the Sufis think the same thing of their awliya ‘(“saints”), etc. It is also wrong to believe that there is someone who bestows mercy in a way that only suits Allah. He therefore shows mercy as Allah does and forgives sins and neglects the evil deeds of his followers.

Shirk can sometimes take the form of words:

Such as those who do du’aa ‘or pray to someone other than Allah, or seek help or seek refuge with him in matters that no one can control except for Allah, whether the person invoked is a Prophet, a wali (“Saint”), an angel or a jinn, or another created being. It is a kind of major shirk that goes beyond Islam.

Or as those who make fun of religion or who liken Allah to his creation, or say that there is another creator, provider or controller in addition to Allah. These are all major shirk and a serious sin that is not forgiven.

Shirk can sometimes take the form of actions:

Such as a person who sacrifices, prays, or prostrates himself before anything other than Allah, or promulgates laws to replace the rules of Allah and makes the law to which people are obliged to refer for judgment; or someone who supports the kaafirs and helps them against believers, and other acts that go against the basic meaning of the faith and put one who practices them beyond Islam. We ask Allah to keep us safe and sound.

2 – minor shirk

This includes everything that can lead to a major shirk, or that is described in the texts as a shirk, but does not reach the degree of major shirk.

This is usually of two types:

1 – To be emotionally attached to means without foundation and for which Allah has not given permission, such as hanging “hands”, turquoise beads, etc. because they offer protection or repel the evil eye. But Allah did not make them the means to benefit from such protection, neither according to the sharia, nor according to the laws of the universe.

[Translator’s note: the “hands” mentioned are metal, pottery, etc., usually blue or turquoise, which some people hang up to ward off the evil eye, according to their mistaken belief.]

2 – To venerate certain persons or things in a way that does not go so far as to attribute to them the seigniory, such as to swear by anything other than Allah, or to say: “It was not for Allah and so-and-so, “etc.

Scholars have stipulated guidelines for distinguishing the major shirk from the minor shirk when shirk is mentioned in sharee’a texts. These guidelines include the following:

(i) – When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) clearly states that this action is a minor breach, as in al-Musnad (27742), where it is reported that Mahmoud ibn Labeed said: The messenger Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “What I fear most for you is the minor shirk.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, is the shirk minor? Say the day when people are rewarded for their actions: “Go see those for whom you were boasting about your deeds in the world and see what reward you will get with them.” Classified as sahhe by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 951.

(ii) – When the word shirk is used in the texts of the Quran and Sunnah in indefinite form [without the definite article al-]. This usually refers to small failures, and there are many examples, such as when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Incantations, amulets and love spells are failures. “.

Reported by Abu Dawood, 3883; classified as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 331.

Here we mean shirk, a minor shirk and not a major shirk.

Amulets are objects hanging from children, such as turquoise beads, etc., which they believe will protect them from the evil eye.

Love spells are something they do, claiming that it will make a beloved wife of her husband and a man loved by his wife.

(iii) – If the Sahaabah understood from the sharee’ah texts that what was meant by shirk was a minor and not major shirk. Without doubt, the understanding of the Sahabah is important because they are the most competent among the people with regard to the religion of Allah and the most competent as to the intention of the legislator. For example, Abu Dawood (3910) told Ibn Mas’ood (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Tiyara (the superstitious belief in omens) is shirk, tiyara is shirk “, three times, and there is no one among us but (he will have some) but Allah will rid him of him by means of tawakkul (trusting Allah). The words “there is no one among us …” are those of Ibn Mas’ood, as the eminent scholars of the hadith have explained. This indicates that Ibn Mas’ood (may Allah be pleased with him) understood that it was a simple shirk because he could not have said, “There is no one among us …” referring to the big shirk. In addition, tawakkul does not eliminate the major shirk, but it is essential to repent.


(iv) – If the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) interpreted the words shirk or kufr to indicate that it is a minor form and not a major form. For example, al-Bukhaari (1038) and Muslim (74) recounted what he said in Zayd ibn Khaalid al-Juhani: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) directed the prayer in the morning for us in al-Hudaybiyah as a result overnight rainfall. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was finished, he turned to the people and said to them, “Do you know what your Lord has said?” They said, “Allah and his messenger know better than anyone.” said: “This morning, one of my slaves became a believer in me and a disbeliever. As for the one who said: “We have received rain by the grace of Allah and His mercy”, he is a believer in me, a disbeliever in the stars; and as for the one who said, “We made a star rain, we are an unbeliever in me, a believer in the stars.”

The interpretation of the word kufr here is given in another report narrated by Abu Hurayrah which says: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do you not know what your Lord has said? “I do not send any blessings to My slaves, but a group of them become kaafirs because they refer to the stars and attribute things to them. This explains why if a person attributes the precipitation to the stars thinking that they have made them fall – while Allah has not made the stars a means to cause precipitation – his kufr is a kind of ingratitude for the blessing Allah. It is well known that ingratitude for the blessing of Allah is a minor kufr. But if a person believes that the stars control the universe and that it is they who make the rain fall, it is a major caving.

The minor shirk can sometimes take the form of external actions, such as wearing talismans, strings, amulets, etc., as well as other words and actions. And sometimes, it can be hidden, like a little show.

It can also take the form of beliefs:

Such belief can be a reason to bring benefit or avoid harm, when Allah has not done it; or to believe that there is a barakah (blessing) in a thing, when Allah has not done so.

It sometimes takes the form of words:

Like when they said, “We believe that the stars do not bring down the rain, gold sworn by anything but Allah, without believing to venerate the thing sworn or to consider it as the equal of Allah. or say, “May Allah want it and you go,” and so on.

It sometimes takes the form of actions:

Such as suspending amulets or carrying a talisman or string to dispel or calm a calamity, because whoever attributes powers to a thing when Allah has not done so is according to the charee’ah or according to the laws of the universe, associated something with Allah. This also applies to those who seek a barakah (blessing), when Allah has not created any barakah, for example by embracing the doors of mosques, touching their thresholds, seeking healing from their dust and other similar actions.

This is a brief overview of the shirk division in major and minor. We can not enter this short answer.


What the Muslim must do to avoid shirk in its two major and minor forms. The greatest sin is shirk and transgression against the only rights of Allah, which must be venerated and obeyed alone, without partners or associates.

This is why Allah has decreed that the Mushrikeen will remain forever in hell and will not forgive them. He will forbid them paradise, as he says (interpretation of meaning):

“In truth, Allah does not forgive that partners are established with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills, and whoever establishes partners with Allah in worship, he has effect invented a great sin “

[al-Nisa ‘4:48]

“In truth, whoever establishes partners (in worship) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden him to Paradise, and Fire will be his home, and for the Zaalimoon (there are no assistants)

[al-Ma’idah 5:72]

The Lord says, “I’m sorry, I’m not afraid to say”

“And prevent me and my sounds from avoiding idols”

[Ibraahem 14:35 – interpretation of meaning]

One of the salaf said: “Who can claim to be safe after Ibraahem?”

The fear of shirk in the sincere believer should therefore increase his desire, and he should say the great du’aa ‘taught to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He said: “Shirk among you will be more subtle than the traces of an ante, but I will teach you something, if you do, the minor and major shirk will be kept out of your life.” Say: Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika and ushrika bika wa ana a’lam wa la’lam (O Allah, I seek a refuge from You to associate nothing with You knowingly, and I seek your forgiveness for what I am not aware of) . “

Classified as saheeh by al-Albaani in Sahih al-Jaami ‘, 3731

The above refers to the difference between the major and minor shirk, defining each and describing its types.

Regarding the difference between them

Major shirk puts a person beyond the pale of Islam, so it is a kaafir and an apostate.

The minor shirk does not put a person beyond Islam, but it can be done by a Muslim, but he still remains in Islam; but he who is in danger is a major sin. Ibn Mas’ood (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “If I swore falsely by Allah, it is better than me if I swore by anything other than Him.” may Allah (who is a minor shirk)

We ask Allah to keep our faithful heart to adhere to his religion to meet him, and we seek refuge in his power – let him be glorified – to lead us astray, for he is the one who never dies, but the human race will die . And Allah knows best and is the wisest

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